
So I've now been excepted to all three schools that I applied to but the one school that I specifically wanted to get into the arts program Alfred University I didn't get into it. Instead they put me in the Liberal Arts school and said I could do interdisciplinary art as my major...When my sister told me that I threw the folder down and walked off trying not to cry then my dad is like well then Alfred doesn't want you so as f*** you to them and go to Daemen College they gave you a 9000 dollar scholarship and Alfred only gave you a 5000 dollar grant. Then he started yelling at my sister that she was pressuring me into going to Alfred. After I pulled Steph away so they couldn't get in a huge fight about which school I should go to Steph said it's up to me on where I want to go. Also I haven't finished filling out FAFSA and other scholarships so yea I don't know. Thanks for reading this for whoever read this. Sorry if I talked your ear off. It doesn't really help that I had my first day of softball tryouts today and i pretty much took a line drive to my left knee so that's going to bruise tomorrow. And I wouldn't be surprised if I had more then just that and we still have the rest of the week. Cuts are being made on Saturday.
