Long week

Okay so i haven't gotten on here since monday but obviously i haven't missed much on here. I've had late softball practice or drama club practice all week and i've been getting home at 8:30 pretty much every night and by the time i get home eat dinner and take a shower i'm exhausted and i almost fall asleep in the recliner so i go to bed without getting on. Today we had a half day at school so i didn't have any practice thank god. Instead of going home and taking a nap or doing homework i went over to my friend Tom's house and he helped me out with Devil May Cry. Which i've been thinking as to how i could make that into an RPG but that probably won't happen for a while considering that they are going to be coming out with a Devil May Cry 5 for Xbox 360 and PS3 Which i can't wait until it comes out. I'm so excited. but then i came home and did some of my homework now i'm on the computer and i think that i'm going to try and get a new RPG up not sure if i'm going to do that tonight or not. I have softball practice at 8 in the morning tomorrow until 10 so i guess it's not to bad.
