Softball game

So while we were warming up for our game our coach got a channel four text message saying that cattaraugus county had a tornado watch but we still went on with our game. top of the fourth inning i finally get in because even though i have an 800 batting average and i'm good in the field i'm sitting on the bench but anyways it starts raining not that hard then there's thunder and we had to go under the pavilion then it started getting really windy and it started raining harder so the umps called the game and then it started coming down in waves. My dad and I were running to his truck because it was closer then my car and it was coming down so hard and the wind was making it come in waves with hail that trying to run against it at top speed it felt like i was jogging. Yea it was that bad. When we got to my dad's car I looked like i was thrown into a pool i was so soaking wet and my dad took me to my car and it wasn't raining as bad out and when we got to the house it stopped raining all together and the sun came out. SO it was a fun day.
