RP ideas

SO i'm thinking I'm just going to take down my WITCH Rp because it's not going anywhere. so out of these which would you like to replace it? or if you could come up with a better one i'm all ears

+ Anima RP
It is now modern day and + Anima still exist among the human race. Most humans still despise + Anima and wish they never existed. So can the + Anima’s keep their secret from the rest of society or will they get caught be the scientists who plan to separate them from their Anima or will they mix them with other Anima in order to make new + Anima to fight a war that is being kept from the humans?

Beyblade RP
Beyblade seems to be one of the most popular things to do and there are some new kids with some old beyblade spirits that are striving for the top. Will they succeed? And will they be able to control their new beyblades.

Soul Eater RP
The goal of the misters is to get their weapon to absorb 99 evil human souls and one witch soul in order to turn their weapons into death scythes. Can the misters cooperate with their new weapons? And why are their so many witches left in existence? This is a second-generation story.

+Anima- 4
Beyblade- 0
Soul Eater- 0
