Stole this it's the 100 truths thingy

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Tagged means "I'm interested in knowing what are your 100 truths". (To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste this note, erase my answers and enter your own, tag people (in the right hand corner of the app then click publish.)
1. Real name: Sara
2. Nickname(s): Sodapop, sarabear
3. Zodiac Sign : Virgo
4. Male or female: female
5. Elementary School: Cattaraugus
6. High School: Cattaraugus-little valley
7. College: Going to Alfred University
8. Hair color: Strawberry blonde
9. tall or short: 5’2” So I’m not to sure
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
12. Phone or Camera: camera
13. Health freak: somewhat
14. Orange or Apple: apple
15. Do you have a crush on someone? Not at the moment
16. Eat or Drink: drink
17. Piercing: none
18. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
19. Been in an airplane: nope
20. Been in a relationship: kindish
21. Been in a car accident?: yes
22. Been in a fist fight: yes (does siblings count?)
23. First piercing? Ears but they were ripped out of my ears…long story
24. First Best friend? Vicky
25. First award: undefeated coed summer soccer when I was 6
27. First word: I think it was daddy I can’t remember
28. Last person you talked to in person: Mary
29. Your first true love? Never had one
30. Last person you texted: Kali
31. Last person you watched a movie with: I’m watching a movie with my dad now
32. Last food you ate: sherbert
33. A truth about you: I’m a really good goal keeper for being short
34. Last song you listen to: Anyway you want it by Journey
35. Last thing you bought: My dads fathers day gift
36. Last person you hugged: My dad this morning
37. Food: Pasta
38. Drinks: water
39. Bottoms: I’m confused?
40. Flower : Pansy
41. Animal: Labrador (That’s a dog)
42. Colors : Navy blue, Aythmyst (It’s a purple), Deep red
43. Dramas : Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet XD
44. Fav. Subject: Art
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45.[] Fallen in love with someone.
46. [x] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [x ] Had your heart broken.
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [x] had someone accuse you of something you didnt do.
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something you regret.
54. [x] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [x] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] pretended to be sick.
59. [] left the country.
60. [] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [ x] ran a mile.
63. [] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] hated someone.
66. [x]stayed single for 2 years.
67. Eating: Nothing
68. Drinking: Nothing
69. Listening: The POC 1
70. Sitting/Laying: sitting
71 .Watching: POC 1 and comeputer
72. Waiting: for the next new chapter to come out in the bleach comic. (I just read the new one )
73. Want kids?: yep
74. Want to get married?: yep
75. Career: Voice actor, artist
76. Lips or eyes: eyes?
77. Taller or shorter?: taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Doesn’t matter I guess
79. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
80/81: ok then
82. Looks or personality: personality
83. Lost glasses/contacts: Yep I’ve done that a couple of times
84. Snuck out of a house: no
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: nope
86. Killed somebody: no
87. Broken someone's heart: I have broken many hearts
88.Loved: Only a select few people
89. Cried when someone died: yes, when one of my animals die
90. Yourself: Kind of
91. Miracles: yep
92. Love at first sight: yes
93. Heaven: somewhat
94. Santa Claus: Heck to the yes XD but that was ruined by my dad tell me there is not santa clause when me and my older sister were 4 and 5
95. Sex on the first date: heck no
96. Kiss on the first date: maybe
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: I’m not sure
98. Do you know who your real friends are: not sure about that one either
99. Do you believe in God: yes and no
100. Post as 100 truths?: maybe
If you want to do it go for it
