Ple shots

Ugh I had to get my TB shot and leningitus(or however you spell it) shot and a tetnis (however you spell it) shot two of them were in my left arm ironically the one i write with and one in my right. it wasn't that bad when i got them and i don't know why people complain when they get the leningitus shot. BUt now my left shoulder kills but it probably didn't help that i went right back to our old house and did about 5 more hours of painting to get the place fixed up. So now I'm paying for it and i have paint all over my legs and feet, i washed off my arms and hands as best as i could in the sink. But i don't think that you want to hear about that. Well i've seen the what do you think i look like thing out and about lately and i know that I've put pictures up of my all dressed up and what not so I'll put up a picture of me and what i look like everyday.

There you go that's me with no makeup or anything special. Just normal boring Sara.
