The Mall

Well thanks all for who responded to my post about the paper children thing. Well I had to take my little sister and her friend to the mall today which wasn't bad I guess because I just wandered off away from them and let them do whatever then they ended up finding me in my favorite store GameStop. I didn't buy anything in there though I was about to but then I left. I went to Best Buy got Part One of Black Butler because live for me part two for my grad party and I got the second season of Merlin. I love that show. I wanted to get Two and a half Men too but I didn't want to spend an obnoxious amount of money there.

Then my little sister and her friend didn't find any clothes in Debs so I drug them to Sears and told them to get frickin' clothes and my sister ended up buying $106.92 worth of clothes so I gave her the 7 dollars she needed so she didn't have to break a twenty. After that they went into Rainbow and I went to Barnes and Noble and I was just going to get live's birthday present, the first manga of Bleach and volume five of Pandora Hearts but when I got the cash register the lady scanned my Bleach manga and on the screen it said for Viz manga's they were buy two get one free so she held my books for me and I went and got volumes 2 and 3 XD. All and all it was a good day for me at the mall
