Rp ideas

So I was wondering if everyone would pick from these couple of choices to see which New roll play I should make.

Here are Alfea (a famous school for faries) you will develop your powers and learn to fight evil, help your planet that you come from, or even become queen of your planet. *Winx Club 2nd gen*

Country of Hearts:
Do you want to play a game? As you know a game always has rules that are concreted as soon as you start the game. So would you like to play the game of Wonderland? *Alice in the Country of Hearts*

Duel Academy:
Are you a new duelest? Then come to Duel Academy to hone you skills meet new friends and figure out the mysteries of what lies in the academy. *Yu-Gi-Oh GX*

Winx!: 3
Country of Hearts: 3
Duel Academy: 4

Please let me know what you want I can't decide. You can pick more then one if you can't decide.

Ok everyone I'll give you all one more week to tell me which one you want up and next Sunday the winner is going up.
