Tag thingy ma gig

I was tagged twice.

You must post these rules (Very Important indeed).
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

-Favorite Dessert?? (21Emmz21)
Mint chip Ice cream

-How about favorite breakfast food??
Captain Crunch cereal

I’m going there in a bit with my sister and her boyfriend

-Does everything taste like chicken??

-Are you hungry now??
Not really

-How about now??

-Should Emmz stop asking about food??
No it’s good I don’t mind

-Favorite drink??
Fruit Punch

-Are fruit smoothies good??
Mixed Berry

-Is Emmz making you thirsty??
Not really

-Do You Like Cookies??????? 8D
Yes!! I love cookies

* * * * * *

1. What is your current obsession? (DemonandAngels)
YamiHita’s RP Toxic Waters XD

2. Who is your favorite artist?
Tite Kubo

3. What is your favorite non anime show?
Two and a Half Men

4. What is your attitude about life?
Don’t live life regretting the things you didn’t do

5. Name your life goal.
I have lots of goals in life, on is to publish a novel that I have written by myself and another goal is to become a voice actor. I have more though.

6. If you married the last person that texted you, what would your last name be?
Angel (No seriously Tim’s last name is Angel)

7. Would it be harder to tell someone you love them or you don't love them?
I think it would be harder to tell someone that you didn’t love them of course it can go both ways.

8. What's your worst bad habit?
I bite my nails

9. What year are you?
I’m a first year in college

10. What are your plans for the future?
I plan on graduating college then trying to find a job and hopefully be able to audition to be a voice actor.

11. If you had the opportunity, would you go back in time to change something? What is it, and why?
I don’t think I would go back and change anything in my life because everything happens for a reason.

* * * * * * *
I tag…
Eiri Yuki s Lover
Behind Blue Eyes
Deaths Strawberry
Eclipse Dragon

* * * * * * * * *

11 questions I want to ask people

-What’s your favorite colors?

-Top five anime guys/girl’s for you.

-What’s your favorite snack?

-What are your top three favorite animes.

-What’s your favorite video game?

-When was the last time you drew one of your OCs?

-Do you like to draw?

-What is Julie Walter’s roll in the Harry Potter movies?

-In 2007 which Harry Potter movie was released?

-Who plays Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings?

-Can you finish this song? (Do you like Waffles?)
