Writing essay

This is my third writing essay that I had to do for my writing 1 class. It's supposed to be in the future and what happens when we accomplish our goal. My goal is to write a fantasy Novel and get it published.

I will write a fantasy novel. I was waiting patiently at home for my package to arrive. My book had been accepted and professionally edited; now I had to wait for my copy of my book to arrive at my house. It was early in the morning. I could hardly sleep last night because I was so excited about it finally coming. I was sitting on the couch with our family dog Babe, who was sleeping on the couch cushion to my right. I lightly stroked her soft black fur as I watched The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring the extended version. It was around eight in the morning; my dad was out on the back porch taking slow drags from his cigarette. It was a peaceful morning. The sun was shining making the due glisten off the blades of grass. It was a nice warm August morning that was starting to heat up rather quickly. Everything seemed to be at a standstill as I took in the moment. I was happy, and proud of myself for accomplishing my goal that I set out for myself to one day accomplish during my freshmen year of college. The day was going by with no troubles at all. My older sister was at her boyfriends out in Buffalo and my younger sister was still passed out with her blanket half on her and half falling off the bed. There was a sudden knock on the front door and Babe’s headshot up off the armrest of the couch; with her ears perked she started to bark and hopped off the couch and ran over to the door. I followed behind her and saw my little sister grumble something then turn her back to the door frame of her room to try to get back to sleep. I put a leg between Babe and the door then opened it. A UPS man was standing on our small concrete porch. “Sara Hunt?” He asked. I nodded and he handed me the package that he had in his hands. “Have a good day.” He said then walked back to his truck. “Yep, you too.” I replied with some excitement in my voice. I shut the door and quickly began to open the box. The cover looked amazing. It had the main character Sasuke, on the front with his index finger over his lips making a shushing motion as he looked over towards the binding of the book. A Little Secret, ran along the bottom third of the cover with my name right under it. There it was, my first novel, It was finished. My dad walked over to me and patted me on the back. “I’m proud of you Sara.”
