Voice Meme (Questions please)

I know you all are tired of asking questions but I was wondering if anyone had any questions that they wanted to ask me to answer during my voice meme.

alphonse13 asked

1. What are all the nicknames you've ever had?
2. What's your favorite animal?
3. What's your favorite anime?
4. Who are your top 5 anime characters?
5. What's your favorite time of the day?
6. What's your favorite month of the year?
7. Do you know what day of the week you were born on?
8. Do you believe in Angels?
9. Would you like to have Children some day?
10. If yes, How many? do you have names picked out for your future children? what are the names?
11. Do you believe in magic?
12. how about ghosts?
13. Would you rather watch the clouds or the stars?
14. Do you daydream often?
15. What's your favorite dessert?
16. What's the last movie you watched?
17. What's the last book you read?
18. What's your favorite vegetable?
19. Would you rather try Sky diving or Scuba diving?
20. Where would you like to live?

DemonsandAngels Asked

What inspires you?
What are you most proud of?
What is one thing you could never live without?

xNotUnderstood asked

-Which do you think came first; Chicken or egg?
-Cats or Dogs?
-Do you wish you were a fish?
-What is a zebra; Black w/ white, or White w/ black?
-What is something random you say?
-Have you ever laughed weirdly for no reason?
-If you ever had a weird yet scary experience, what was it?
-Do you like mudkips?

infinatelove42 asked

how did you come up with your nickname?
pink or blue?
what kind of programming do you use for drawing?
do you get along with others or are you the trouble maker?
where is the nearest starbucks? haha...
do you have any tips for new comers?
what is the most memorable anime/ manga for you?
Can i have your autogragh?

aka yuki asked

Can you say your username backwards without looking at it?

Do you know how to say something in spanish?

If you do i would like to hear it lol can i?

Do you know how to say some stuff in japanese?

DangerouTinkerer Asked

- Do you like Scifi as well as anime?
- Who / what got you into anime?
- If you could go anywhere in the US where and why?
- What about in the world?
- Do you believe in other life in the galaxy?
