know what

You know what I noticed about the new RP's lately? Well one they seem to start out with a bang then suddenly die out then people try to save them and it doesn't work. And that there are not as many RPers as there use to be on here. A lot of the people that I use to RP with don't RP anymore. Then when the people that I use to RP with come back they say that they want to keep RPing but not in big RP's only in 1X1 then it seems that they just disappear off the face of the earth again.

Another thing that I noticed with these new RP's is that pretty much all the characters don't know each other at all when they start the RP but then it takes like three posts or not even for two of the characters to fall head over heals for each other and start making out. What ever happened to the getting to know each other first before even thinking about those kind of feeling for another character people??? I mean not even in a fantasy book do people fall for someone that fast and if it seems like that they do then you get to hear the characters back story with the other characters and then you understand that they have been friends for a good amount of time. I'm just saying.

Okay I think I'm done with my little rant about new RPs. Tell me what you think about it if you RP or read them.
