Thanks everyone!!

Thank you everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Sorry that I wasn't really on yesterday I was mostly hanging with my friends and having a good time. I wanted to get that post for Patrick done yesterday but you see how well that turned out lol. Well I'm hoping that I can get it done today between all the homework that I have to work on. Figured out that I left my flash drive at home so I'm going to have to go back home at some point and get it or wait till midterm break to go and get it. Not too sure when I'm gong to do that yet.

I didn't get much for my birthday. I got a card from my sister and her boyfriend. I got my present from DT last month, my dad, little sister, and my dad's girlfriend gave me a card with 100 dollars in it that's going to to to my account to pay for my car insurance instead of what I want it to go towards (3ds and dream distance drop or fabrics to make stuff from Christmas). But now I have a catering job for work study and I'll be starting this week. I'm excited because I'm with some of my friends.

But for Christmas I'm making pretty much every gift by hand. Then I just made a pillow because DT said that my pillows were durpping.

The rice ball is for one of my friends for Christmas. I'm hoping to get the majority of them done so that I can take a picture of them and then post them up here. well that's all for now. I have to go and make a 3 minuet movie today, create a 2 minuet dance routine, and work on calc 1 homework.

