This sucks

So we just got off of our midterm break and so we get to see how we are doing for the first half of the semester. well when I looked at my midterm grade for my major which is Interdisciplinary Art I saw that I had a C+ in it. That's Fucking ridiculous. My grade for art doesn't seem to be on how well I can draw (which we did figured drawing) or how well I can create a video (we used Final Cut Express which I've used before so I knew what I was doing) no it's based on the two frickin' papers that we've had to write so far this semester and I got a c+ on one of them and a c on the second one. It just pisses me off. It's an art class so shouldn't the grades be based off of how well you can create a work of art and how much you have improved? I don't know if that is just my theory on how an art class should work.

Sorry about that I was thinking about that the entire time that I was drawing today.
