
I'm excited I think I might be getting a digital drawing pad for Christmas and maybe some of my Bleach box sets that I need to catch up on. When I get home on the 14th I will be going to see the Hobbit with my boyfriend, older sister and my dad. Then when we get back home I'm probably going to be setting up my PS3 in the living room and I'm going to be playing the original Spyro games that I downloaded onto my PS3 which yes I did buy from the Playstation Store. 17 dollars well spent. I love those games they brought my family together and we went through the levels and had a great time together.

Other then that I got past yesterday where I had my last Calc 1 test before the final next week Thursday. My final critique in IART is tomorrow then my portfolio is due on the next week Tuesday. So Monday I'll quickly get my portfolio together and then I will have to rest oft he day to work on other art and possibly on posts and packing. I'm working on sandblasting some more glass even though my last class it tonight I'm trained with the sandblaster and in the cold shop so I can now go in there when I want to work with some glass. I learned a lot about glass this semester and I'm so glad I did. It's a lot of fun trying to create a good cup and sure you mess up a lot you still have fun doing it as long as you don't burn yourself on the glass that is hotter then molten lava.

Also I have the mid section pieces done of my Korra costume. I'll take a picture when I'm completely done with the costume. I'm also making my boyfriend an older Sokka costume. I'm working on his arm sleeves at the moment then I'll probably start working on his shirt and pants next and wait to work on the rest of my costume until I get most of his done. I had to make sure that I made his arm sleeve a bit loose so that when he gains muscle in his arms he can still wear the sleeves with out really any restraint. But I'm also making my sisters Toothless that I promised her for Christmas. Then I have to make a life size Momo for my boyfriend to carry around at torcon in March.

Okay I think that I've blabbered enough I'm going to go and get something to eat before I have to go to my first class at 2:20 today. Bye for now everyone!
