
I'm guessing why there really isn't a title to this post. I couldn't think of one. Just figured that I would give you an update. First off I had to withdraw from going to Full Sail because I didn't have the money to go and all the stress of trying to get the money and figure things out got to the point where I decided to withdraw and is now affecting me physically. That's why I haven't really been active lately. A lot has been happening and people are trying to cheer me up or motivate me but it's just not working, then something else comes up and it just kicks me right back down and I have to try to get back up again. I'm really getting tired of trying to stand back up.

I feel like I'm at the point where I don't want to put art work up here anymore. I never seem to get comments. Those are what have helped me get through a lot and helped me get better but lately I've gotten nothing. I feel like I just should quit while I'm still down. At least with digital drawing considering that's what seems to never get comments. I can't even bring myself to look at some tribal tattoos and draw henna either. That's something that I love doing and am very good at with "copying" an image and drawing it on skin with henna. Most people have told me that I could become a tattoo artist, but now I'm just doubting myself and I'm always thinking that I'm not good enough and maybe it's a good thing that I had to withdraw from a drawing school. Why would I be good at drawing anyways.
