
Hey everyone Sorry if it seems like I've dropped off the face of the earth I really haven't work at the farm/ flower shop has been starting back up so I've been spending a good amount of time there planting and taking care of chickens and just trying to get ready for spring to finally come in general. But I was thinking about going back and editing my stories that have been done for a while. I know I have other stories that I'm working on, but I was thinking about my character Zen from my story A Journey In Search Of Something More and I was going to redraw him and actually all of my characters from there which makes me want to go back and edit them so that way I can for one go back and reread my own stories and maybe add somethings to them. I don't know but I just want to give me old characters love again. Daisuke and Zen were my two favorite characters from A Journey In Search Of Something More.

I can't really say that I miss Sasuke and the gang since I'm working on a story for them! I do want to go and edit Here We Go Again Though because I started that one all the way back in 8th grade so I want to be able to go and fix the mistakes I've made in that story. :D But I was also wondering on a side note if you all wanted me to write stories for each of my elementals. So Toshiro, Kyoshiro, Ryuu, Uryuu, and Renji would all get their own stories about their origins and their side adventures.
