Chat with my little sister

In my family I'm not the only one who love's anime and manga, both my older and younger sister's enjoy it as well. I've been home from work for about three hours now *it's almost 10 pm here* And here's some of the conversations that I've had with my little sister with in that time. Becky is my little sister.

Me: *finishes eating dinner and is scrolling around on internet*

Dog: *sits by dad who is in recliner and whistles a little at dad*

Dad: Are you hungry Babe? If your sisters are done eating I'll give you what's left.

Me: I'm done.

Becky: Same here.

Dog: *gives dad look*

Becky: DID YOU SEE THAT LOOK!!! It was like, you heard them, feed me!

Me: *chuckles*


Me: So I'm going to draw Akura-ou for this challenge *explains The people of all fears- villains challenge*

Becky: If you draw him with peaches I will blow it up and put it on my wall and love it forever!!

Me: Oh that reminds me have you watched the second season yet?

Becky: ...I can't remember if I have or not.

Me: I know you've read the manga, I was just wondering was all.

Becky: I think I have. I swear if my roommate ever asked me what I'm watching I'm going to pull a wall-e and pat the spot next to me to come and sit and watch with me.

Me: *chuckles* Really now?

Becky: I've GOT to show you the little gif that Setph found so you know what I'm talking about. *goes to tumblr and finds what older sister rebloged*

Me: *laughs a little* That's cute.

Becky: This will be me.

Me: I don't do that. I just go watch this. Like what I did with you with Kamigami no Asobi.

Becky: You just grabbed my laptop off my lap, typed it in, clicked on the first episode, set it back on my lap, and walked away.

Me: Exactly, and you loved it.


Me: *to Becky* I want to do this challenge. *explains My number one challenge to her*

Becky: Well I could see you drawing Hikaru from Ouran High School Host Club.

Me: Well, yeah he's me favorite from Ouran, but I have a lot of favorite anime's.

Becky: So you need to pick a favorite anime and draw your favorite character then?

Me: Exactly.

Becky: Well pick your top five, then ene meni miney moe it.

Me: But...I don't think I have a top five. *the list keeps growing XD shot*

Becky: ...Then ene meni miney moe it...

Me: oTL

Hope that you enjoyed the random conversations that I have with my little sister.
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