Getting somewhere

I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere for my Commission that I've been working on for my co-worker. I've also been working on custom's for some people on DA. I've been trying to take breaks and work on things that I want, but I hate making people wait long. oTL I have some sketches for the Villain's challenge done last night and I'm almost done with sketching my new OC Zack that I made for Eiri Yuki s Lover's RP EDEN. If you want to check it out go ahead and Click the link. We haven't started yet.

But I finally have a day off again from work, but...once my little sister gets up and wakes up a bit more I have to help her clean her room. So sadly I won't be drawing a lot today like I wanted to. If I don't help her though then she won't do it. Even though she's 19 and can clean her room on her own she doesn't really have the organizing skills that I have so that's why I'm helping her.

If you want to see the custom's that I've been doing HERE is the link to my DA account. Some sketches of my adopts that I've drawn out are there as well. So far I have two drawing that I'm working on that I really want to get done for Valentines day.

I really should have a to do list somewhere it may help me keep on track with things. oTL But I hope that everyone else is having a good day. If not here's a kitten playing with a dog to brighten your day!
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