Mission: Grimmjow

Aizen sat to his throne as he looked down to Grimmjow.

"I have an assignment for you, Grimmjow. I hope for your success on this mission, however,” Aizen paused briefly, “You will be facing a god.” He stood walking toward him.

Grimmjow scoffed at Aizen’s words shaking his head.

“Find the god that holds the hougyoku from my possession. Kill him if you must, but get the hougyoku at all cost if you can.”

"And why would this interest me in doing such a deed? Why not send your lapdog Ulquiorra or what of your other favorites my lord?"

"Favorites? I have no favorites among you. I assign missions for the ones that are suited for them.” Aizen turned from Grimmjow walking toward his throne. “This mission I find more suited toward you.”

Grimmjow's eyes follow Aizen. "How so?"

"Ulquiorra had his run in with the God Phoenix. He failed." Aizen turned looking slightly over his shoulder with a smirk. "However, Phoenix is by far one of the sixth strongest elemental wielders in the heavens. I am sure you yourself might even get lucky enough to do battle with one of them.”

Glaring Grimmjow then crossed his arms in front of his chest. "So Ulquiorra failed? A slight grin appeared across his face.

"Is that not what I said?" He turned looking at Grimmjow.

Grimmjow looked the other way smirking. "So am I able to do whatever I desire to these lothly Gods?" He turned back to Aizen staring at him.

“As long as the hougyoku is recovered and returned to me--” Aizen paused with a cleaver grin across his face. “You are free to do whatever it takes to retrieve it, Grimmjow.”

The espadas eyes lite up with pure delight. "Fine. I'll do as you ask and retrieve the hougyoku for you. I truly will enjoy this blood bath." The sound of Grimmjow's knuckles cracking echoed through the throne room as he grinned once more.

Aizen nodded to him, "Good. Now go and retrieve the hougyoku. Show the Gods we are not like their ever so faithful Soul Reapers. They need to learn that we are not ones that will bow to their every whim.”

Grimmjow lowered his head. "Of course. Your wish is my command."

He then turned exiting the room.
