so today i enter a chatroom and i start talking to lloyd irving4 about videogames. and he starts bashing me for the games i like. he starts calling me a "consumer whore" and a f---ing stereotype! just because i have good taste in gaming!!! i was pissed. then he says s--- like i just followed the hype. personally i wanted to punch him if it wasnt a chatroom. and then i tell him that the xbox 360 was all hype (sry ppl i hate xbox). and he says that he didnt get an xbox 360 because of the hype. he wanted for good games. and i said "same here for the wii" and he calls me a f---ing consumer whore again!!! so i just went and left the chatroom because i was mad and upset. he had no f---ing right i call me that. i've been playing videogames since i was five and i kno my s--- and personally it hurt me because he was hating on me for something i loved and will always love. i hate it when ppl dont even now where ur coming from and they just assume ur a f---ing stereotype. and im far from that. and im sick of ppl acting that way. especially when its about something that i love. now i could rant and rave all night about this but i must be getting to bed. ttfn everyone!
im beyond pissed