hey hey hey everyone. so monday is the lastday of school. it's going to be a half day cuz we only have 2 finals. im excited cuz my birthday is next month ^-^ and once school is over im just focusing on that :) so we have a movie gallery withen walking distance of my house and they're closing down so they're selling everything. for me this means VIDEOGAME SHOPPING SPREE!!! i just bought final fantasy crystal chronicals echos of time for wii today. it's okay. the controls are messed up as hell though!!! it's like they put a ds game and made it into a wii game. oh wait. THAT IS WHAT THEY DID! hopefully when i get my check cashed on monday ill go and get tales of symphonia: dawn of a new world. that game is KICK ASS! i love it :3 and i must have it!
finals and video games