This world is no longer active, for the new Hideout go to Madara's profile. This world houses all the old posts only. -Pein

Mission part 4

My body hurt all over. Deena was yelling at me. "Deena his name is Jack." Jack appeared. "So you remember my name little runt. I remember you too, and your family. I knew taking these scrolls would bring me some good luck. Now prepare to die." Jack rushed in towards Deena, with his right arm turning into fire. I quickly grabbed Deena and pulled her back, and turned around and threw a lightning ball into the sky. "Heaven's Pillars" Pillars of Lightning sperated us from him. "Deena we need to get going, I can't face him after what my dad did, I just can't." She slapped me. "Get a hold of yourself, your acting like a baby." I realizied that I had been running from this guy for as long as I can remember. "Thanks Deena I needed that. Now I think I will use those experiments we worked on the other day." Deena's eyes got big. "You can't be serious, they are not stable and you could lose control." "I'll just use number 3, for now." I said. I began forming hand signs, than a coffin erupted out of the ground with a number three written on it. The lid quickly open and a figure with a white mask over it's face stepped out. The figure had four arms, each with a scythe in each hand. "I guess I should name it..... hmmm how about Eanon? Yes that will do fine." The pillars started slowly disaooearing until they were gone. Me, Deena, and Eanon were now facing Jack. He smiled, "Finally ready to face me." He quickly made handsigns and fired a fireball at us. Deena quickly blocked with her Ice and me and Eanon charged in ready to strike.


"Can you find someone to eat now?" Black said. "Madara doesn't want us to leave. Remember?" White said. "Then can HE go and get some chewy people for us?" Black whined.

So, to entertain ourselves, we decided to go and spy on all of the newbies, Puppet wasn't anywhere in the hideout. Amber and Ember were being all cat like, Shimaru was completely lost, Nana wandering the halls like a little school girl, Inu was petting her fox out of shock ((Hehe)), Pantera was also nowhere to be seen. Most of the members weren't there at the moment, but when we slipped into Saint's room, we found Deena, and Saint.

"Something happened the other night you can't tell anyone about it." Deena pleaded.

We listened intently in on the conversation, apparently someone had broken into the hideout... and taken some of out scrolls, and Madara and Pein were NOT to know of this. "What should we do?" White whimpered. "We go and tell Madara of course!"

And we did just that, we appeared in Madara's office, and told him the whole story.


I'm here posting for this week. I've been very busy an apologize for not messaging some of you back. Also some of the original Akatsuki members need to post on here. Well thats all for now.

Mission part 3

i wanted for everyone to stick together but i had to help Saint. i forced Nana and Gaby to stay together, "Deena bring Saint back" Gaby said "Don't die Deena please or Saint" Nana said in between tears "i promise you both i will bring him back i wont let any of you die" I ran and caught up with Saint "you bloody idiot what the hell were you thinking, lets do this together we can do this. Madara would not have chosen us if he didn't think we could. Pull yourself together" i shouted at him it hurt me to do so but he had to have a wake up call "Yeah Deena you're right, just don't get in way" he told me in a weird scary kind of way "i will give you all the strength i have, i will not let you die" i said seriously getting into a fighting stance.

Mission part 2

"The one guy in the middle..... He's......... used to be a friend, but that was before his sister died. He's strong, real strong. He'd probably give Lord Pein trouble. I don't like this Deena. I can't fight against him, not after what my dad did to his sister." I sat against a tree. "He's a fire style expert, or was the last time I saw him. Deena your ice is strong but I won't be enough alone. I'm trying to think of a way to bet him....." I was cut short when I looked up to see a figure in the tree. "Hello children, nice of you to join us." He said with a smile. I quickly grabbed Deena, Nana, and Gaby and pushed them away. The guy appear behind me and in a quick flash slammed me in the back with a fire style jutsu. "Deena get the others and run!" I quickly got away and began trying to escape this man. I turned and looked behind me and he was gone. The next thing I knew a cold right fist hit my face and I flew into a tree.