This world is no longer active, for the new Hideout go to Madara's profile. This world houses all the old posts only. -Pein

Let the Chaos begin

Well, I've been telling everyone about the chaos I'm going to bring to this little group of misfits, *giggles* and here's a mild example.

It seems we have a little kitty in the hideout *giggles* Hope Tobi doesn't mistake him for food. *Devious Intent*

Feeling abit better

I stopped throwing up yesterday, which i'm pleased about, i hate throwing up. If you don't know, it was because a certain so called friend thought it would be funny to put salt in my food knowing all too well what it does to me. I swear when i see him he is dead. I still have a stomarch ache but i'm doing much better. Aside from the headache from yesterday after fainting out of my chair. I should probably take better care of myself. A little pain hurt no one if you ask me. What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger. Have a good day everyone see you all soon. Jashin bless

Enjoy the picture folks.


I have to apologize for not being on here much. I have been having computer problems and have finally fixed it. I'm happy to see that we have some new faces around the hideout. Well that's all for now.-Madara

Late Introductions

Hello there everyone, it seems that I've never formally introduced myself! My name is Puppet Mistress, you can call me Puppet. I don't appreciate being called anything else thank you very much. *Giggles* I hope I don't make TOO many enemies TOO fast ^^

Forgive me please..

Sorry I have been very inactive here lately...I will try to do better in my Akatsuki duties and stuff... *bows*