
Madara walked out the doorway with Hidan close behind. "You shouldn't be so foolish and cocky, it will only lead to your undoing."

Hidan continued to scowl. "Not like I give a damn." He muttered.

Madara was angry at Hidan's continue disrespect for him. He twirled around a picked up the jashinist by the collar. "Insolent pest." Madara growled and threw him at the window sending him crashing unto the frame. "Know your place and don't abuse your position. You're Kakuzu's partner; you should respect him. Plus, another comment like that toward me and I'll be forced to end your pathetic life." Madara stared at him coldly.

Hidan still against the window frame; sneered at the comment. "Tch, you just wish you could kill me." He spat with disgust as he pulled himself up. His back bleed throughly form deep wounds and large shards of glass protuding from his spine. Madara walked toward him; Hidan wore a cocky smile. "I'm right aren't I?" Hidan stared into Madara's sharingan, fearlessly. No damn nightmare world would bother him any. Suddenly Madara lunged toward Hidan; the jashinist was too surprised to side-step. A blade caught the dim light before blood splattered everywhere. The Akatsuki sat quietly as Madara sheathed his katana and turned toward his office. "If you weren't so essitial to this organization I would have killed you a long time ago." Madara spoke coldly as left.

"You bastard!! You cut my throat!" Hidan choked and coughed up blood. His neck deeply slashed. He pulled himself up and considered attacting. But instead turned and jumped out the window he had smashed and staggered off from the base. Leaving a pool of blood along with a torn handband and a broken jashin necklace. The silver beads acattered across the floor dipped in crimson.

I sighed heavily. "What a mess this has turned into." I left the trashed living room and walked to my office "He'll be back by dinner anyway; should've know better than to make Madara angry."
