My war. Deena's POV

After explaining to Madara sama about my foul mood, he seemed slightly annoyed. Maybe it was because he understood all too well why i was so angry. "Take Kakuzu, Hidan, Chee and Saint with you. If they question you tell them it's an assignment from me." I was very appriciative of Madara and his understanding, before leaving his office i bowed respectfully and left. I went to the kitchen to have some breakfast before telling the others of our mission, my war. I was banging around quite loudly "why did this have to happen now of all times" i whined to myself. I didn't even see Tobi walk into the kitchen, as i turned round he made me jump, " Tobi you scared me" i said trying to catch my breath "Don't sneak up on people like that." Tobi was hyper as always, i have no idea how he does it. Wish i could be hyper and so carefree sometimes. "Tobi is sorry Deena san. Tobi heard loud noises in the kitchen so came to see what it was. Tobi is a good boy" he exclaimed while jumping up and down on the spot. "It's ok Tobi. Yea i guess you are a good boy Tobi" i said patting him on the head laughing. "YAY THANK YOU DEENA SAN" he shouted and ran out through the hideout screaming "DEENA SAN SAID TOBI IS A GOOD BOY" i shook my head knowing full well some members aren't going to be exactly happy about him screaming at so early in the morning. I was right i could already hear Deidara shouting at Tobi. "TOBI SHUT UP UN." *Tobi is sorry senpai." he whined. I went to sit in the main room and i already saw Chee awake eating some noodles, she looked at me. Her eyes could tell i was extremely stressed and tired. "what's up Dee?" she asked with concern " wont like it."i said to her emotionlessly. Chee cocked an eyebrow, "Well i can't help you if you wont tell me" she said honestly. "your clan has decided to war mine, again. But this time they have gone into hiding." i paused to take breath, i flentched my fist in anger. "I told Madara sama. He wants this to be dealt as quick as possible, as do i to be honest." Chee went wide eyed, she knew if it wasn't for our friendship we would be at each other throats by now. She slammed her fist onto the coffee table, "I bet this has something to do with my bastard of a father, mark." she said furiously. I could tell Chee wanted to beat the stuffing out of something so badly, the fire in her eyes was overwhelming, while my cold eyes said nothing just emptyness. "Right, well i'll let you tell Hidan, just make sure Hidan tells Kakuzu" i told her seriously, she nodded in response. I went back to my room, i saw Saint walk past me, i grabbed the back of his cloak to get his attention "What's the matter?" he asked in his casual tone "We have a new mission" i said in a somewhat amused manner, he turned around to look at me "what mission?" he questioned me with a raised eyebrow "my war, madara has offered to have Hidan, you Kakuzu and Chee assist me" i explained. "When is the war, when do we leave?" he persued to ask me further questions, "War has already been declaired on my clan, As soon as everyone is ready we will leave immeadiately" he nodded and went to sort himself out. I walked into my room to prey to Jashin sama for good kills and a good war. After i was done preying i went to my cupboard, and i started throwing scrolls and weapons out of a black box with many symbols of my clan covering it. "where in Jashins name is the damned thing" i said to myself looking for a particular scroll, i completely emptied the box onto my floor the contents making a loud crash, which more than likely could be heard through the hideout. And there it was the scroll i had been looking for, it look pretty ancient it was black and slitghly dirty, it too was covered in silver symbols of my clan. "hmm this might come in handy if i have to really take measures that far, i hope i don't have to break it. It could be a pain to seal it away again. Might have to ask Madara when i get back." i shrugged and put it into my bag, along with some kunai and shuriken. I picked up a small first aid kit, i never go anywhere whithout it, i always seem to get hurt no matter what i do. I had finised packing light, and put my cloak on doing it up a little over half way. I went to wait for the others in the main room.
