My war Deena's POV

Saint went back to the hideout leaving me alone With Hidan and Kakuzu. Chee was taking her time, and Hidan and Kakuzu were begining to get a little impatient. It was so cold out, i was shivering underneith my cloak. Hidan was staring into the orange flames of the fire, poking it every now and then. Kakuzu mumbled "if she doesn't come back soon i'm going back and you two can do what ever the hell you fricken want" Hidan was chuckling while sharpening the blades on his scythe. All of a sudden a loud rustle came from some bushes. We were all on our gaurd. I let out a sigh of reliefe when i see Chee. " i have found the whereabouts of my father and the rest" she said panting for breath. "bout time" Kakuzu said coldly. We began packing up immeadiately and made out way silently through the town of Kumogarkure. We walk through a huge clan compound as i recognise the clan crest we are at Chee's "home" though she would never ever call it home. "Chee i want you to go with Hidan and Kakuzu and don't argue with me. You may do as you wish to your father, leave the head of the clan to me.." They all looked at me as if i was mad or something " don't go getting yourself f****** killed got it Deena?!" Hidan said rather loudly and seriously. "i'm not that stupid to get myself killed" i snap a little. Chee looked very worried and reluctantly let me go on my own. I walk though the earily quiet compound. *this place gives me the creeps* i thought to myself as a gust of wind was gently pushing me down the path. I look dead ahead and see the main house, i sigh and walk cautiously into the huge regal looking house. I didn't bother taking my shoes off. I could hear my foot steps and wood creaking with every step i took *Hidan was right i'm crap at sneaking* as i mentally curse myself. All of a sudden out of nowhere i hear shuriken wizz through the air, i easily dodge them and mock the enemy with a sinister chuckle. "is that the best you can do?!" i said why storing up my chakra and release my own shurikens made of ice. I laugh excitedly at the sight of their blood. one of the soldiers gets up and does some handsigns of thunder. I smirk and produce a solid thick wall of ice to protect myself. The thunder shatterd my ice wall though it did it's job in protecting me. I was getting tired of this gae quickly and i imprisoned him into a solid block of ice forcing thick sharp iceicles to peirce through his body. I make my way further into this maze like house and i finally find the scum i'm looking for. " so you managed to find us huh bitch?" he snorted while laughing at me. "How dare you mock my clan." i barked fueled with rage. It was too late he had made the first move. A thunder shaped like beast was already heading streight for me. With a poor reaction time i am inable to create a wall of ice good enough to counter the attack, i flew across from one of the room to the other, my back slammed into the wall. I weezed for air, the beast was coming back for a second round but my wall of ice is completely ineffective. "HAHAHAHA so this all the great Akura clan has to offer, a pathic weakling like the rest?!! what a joke." I scream in aggony as a high volt of electricity is sent coarsing through every part of my body. His lighting blade katana has been thrust into my upper body. My mind is overcome with such rage, i cough up blood. Gripping my clan scroll i mutter "please forgive me Madara sama" i summon what strength i have left and break my seal. My how the tables turned without my seal holding my power back. The floor began to turn to ice the air was getting colder, i lift my own slowly to point at the leader "NOW GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU HAVE GOT" i said yelling louder than i have ever done. He summoned his lighting beast, "same old tricks again?" i mocked him. "shut up you bitch" he spat. This time i'm ready for it. I take a deep breath in and i exhale letting out a extremely cold air enough to freeze his pathetic beast stopping it dead in it's tracks. As i clench my fist the ice statue crumbles before me. My ice is creeping closer and closer to him. "NO YOU DIE BITCH OF THE AKURA" he roared. He charged at me lighting fast i couldn't avoid the attack and was stabbed again. I'm laughing insanely, as i grab his throat. There is no escape for him now as slowly my ice makes it's way through his body freezing him solid and to finish it off i make the iceicle spikes thrust out of his body with such force him arm and leg detach from his body. My body circums to the damage and ammount of chakra eaten by my emotion. i fall to the floor on my side. Sometime later i can hear heavy footsteps, i force myself to open my eyes but everything is very much dark and a blurr except for a flickering light. I could barely recognise it was Madara. "good, you're awake" he simple said. I try to speak but the words wont come out, "I know you broke the seal.." he continued coldly. He pulled me into the seating position not careing if i was in pain. "i'm here to seal back" He took the scroll and opened it making quick hand seals, he placed his cold hand firmly on my shoulder. I can feel the aggony of the seal forcing away my power i scream in complete pain, luckily for me it was soon over and i collapsed onto the bed. And he left the room. The war was finally over, but at what cost?
