I'm back!

Amber finally back from her trip walked into the Hideout, she found that Deidara was hurt, and other things of that sort. She unpacked her things, getting the little gift she bought for Tobi, and other recuits. 'I hope the three are okay', Amber was hoping not to find them torn to peices when she found them. Grabbing the small boxes she went looking for the other recuits.

As she found them she gave them their gifts, then to give Tobi his. If only he would stop worrying about Deidara. She didn't think she would have the energy so she just went back to the hall and put it in the doorway. Then the tired kitten stumbled into her room and fell asleep.

(Yo! Happy to be back!! My time in the REAL world was great, missed talkin to you guys. Well I got to have fun for my B-day! If ya wanna know what happened I'm going to post it in 'Cococomy')

