
First Name: Last Name: Age: Weight: Hair color: Eye color: Height: Long medium or short hair? Are you completely human? No. Yes. If no what are you? Any medical issues? No yes if yes then what? How many of your parents are alive? 1. 2. How many siblings? 1 2 3 4 5 6 if higher than state how many. How many in your house? Main form(s) of power: ninjutsu. Taijutsu genjutsu if u use weapons then what are they? If u use any powers you were born with then state them. Any specific diet? Any specific religion? Allergies? How do you work in crowds? Do you belong to another academey? If yes than which one? Ok your done, phew that's a lot of paper work!!! If you a specific interest in any othe the activities on the post below then put them in here and a good recommendation. Thank younand remember to have this in by Monday December 29th
