Butterflykiss: will!
leaf angel9494: IM BOOORREDDD
Butterflykiss: i challenge youuuuuu
leaf angel9494 shot and splat
Butterflykiss: XD
willotaku1336: oh
leaf angel9494: its like my head exploded
leaf angel9494: XD
willotaku1336: owo challenge me to what?
Butterflykiss: stare off!
Butterflykiss shot
leaf angel9494: lol
leaf angel9494: she read the post
leaf angel9494: XD
willotaku1336: oh
Butterflykiss: yes i did XD
Keelena XD
Keelena i just sent her the 2nd part XD
leaf angel9494: XD
Butterflykiss: XD
Butterflykiss: angel and kee be jugdes~
Butterflykiss: please
Keelena he gonna cheat >.>
Keelena shot
leaf angel9494: we r all here gathered today to bear witness
Butterflykiss: so will i~
Keelena XD
Butterflykiss shot
leaf angel9494: u did the same XD
Keelena i did not XD
leaf angel9494: XDD
willotaku1336: did too
Keelena not
Butterflykiss: did too XD you both did XD
willotaku1336: too
leaf angel9494: XD
Keelena DID NOT!!
willotaku1336: yes I'll admit I did
willotaku1336: Too
Keelena NOT
willotaku1336: mew Too
Keelena mew not
willotaku1336: anyway
leaf angel9494: man u both were bored last night
willotaku1336: yes, yes we were
Keelena yep
Butterflykiss: but it was so funny XD
leaf angel9494 just sits and noms popcorn while watching
willotaku1336: especially me because you weren't there angel
Keelena and kira logged off
Keelena and we scared savi away XD
leaf angel9494: XD
Butterflykiss: XD
willotaku1336: X3
Butterflykiss puts on her glasses and bomber jacket
Butterflykiss: lets do this haha!
leaf angel9494: XDD
Keelena XD
willotaku1336: okay then
Keelena i am so posting this XD
leaf angel9494: XDDD
Butterflykiss: you can't prove that >_>
Butterflykiss shot
willotaku1336: anyway let's begin O_O
leaf angel9494: xdd
Keelena XD
leaf angel9494: ur wearing it XDDD
leaf angel9494: anywho
leaf angel9494: STARE OFF
Keelena XD
Butterflykiss: no i'm not you just think i am
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku1336: O_O
leaf angel9494 noms popcorn and watches
Butterflykiss: blink onii-chan~ O_O
willotaku1336: nevah 0_0
Butterflykiss: I'm the hero i wont lose i have Alfred's epicness on my side O_O
leaf angel9494: XDD
Keelena i was just punched Q~Q
leaf angel9494: owo
Butterflykiss: Aww poor sis O_O
willotaku1336: I'm the hero, I won't lose because I have Angel and 30 kids O_O
leaf angel9494: dude
willotaku1336: and poor kee OwO
Keelena Mayra: walks over and kicks will
Keelena Mayra! X
Keelena *XD
leaf angel9494: dang
leaf angel9494: XD
willotaku1336 Clang
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku1336: OwO
Keelena Mayra: cries and runs over to her mother and angel
Keelena Will!
leaf angel9494: dang it will
willotaku1336: She kicked the automail O_O
Butterflykiss: come on cheese monkey~ O_O
Keelena picks up Mayra and checks her foot
willotaku1336: come on cheese doodle 0_0
leaf angel9494: ok
Butterflykiss: you'll be grilled cheese soon 0_0
leaf angel9494: they moved onto cheesy name
Keelena yep
willotaku1336: You'll be Mac&Cheese O_O
Butterflykiss: that make no sense O_O
Keelena he never makes sense
leaf angel9494: llol
Butterflykiss: good point O_O
willotaku1336: Nupe~ O_O
leaf angel9494: oh ik
Keelena nupe? wtf is nupe
leaf angel9494 goes to middle of them and puts a peice of cake
Butterflykiss: no clue O_O
willotaku1336: nope with a i OwO
willotaku1336: *u
willotaku1336: cake~ OWO
Butterflykiss: ah i see O_O
Butterflykiss noms cake O_O
Keelena nope, nupe, nipe...wtf
leaf angel9494: XD
willotaku1336 noms cake OwO
leaf angel9494: hmm i wonder
Keelena oh will, no god-modding wither
Keelena *either
Butterflykiss: come on onii-chan you want to blink da? O-O
willotaku1336: nope nipe nupe nape nepe nada OwO
leaf angel9494: O.o
Keelena drinks hot cocoa then spits it out
Keelena XD
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku1336: O_O
leaf angel9494: XD
Butterflykiss: wtf is a nape? O_O
leaf angel9494: dang thts hot stuff
leaf angel9494: its snape with no s
Keelena no, i spit it out cause i started laughing XD
willotaku1336: what she said O_O
Butterflykiss: lol O_O
Butterflykiss: ._.'''''';'''
willotaku1336: O.O
Butterflykiss: ( )w( ) tricked ya
Keelena don't blink sis!
Keelena nice look XD
leaf angel9494 makes faces at kira
leaf angel9494: XP
Keelena ....really angel?
leaf angel9494: worth a shot
willotaku1336: (O)>(O)
Keelena no helping! XD
leaf angel9494: besides u might do the same to will
Butterflykiss: those look like boobs O_O
leaf angel9494: XD
Keelena XD
leaf angel9494: XDD
Keelena they really do XDDDD
Butterflykiss: ikr? O_O hahaha
leaf angel9494: )) look a but
willotaku1336: 0-0
Butterflykiss: LMAO O_O
Keelena LOL!
leaf angel9494: XDDD
leaf angel9494: i even spelled it wrong
Butterflykiss: we're sooo not on santa's nice list O_O
willotaku1336: ((( ))) ((( ))) ((( ))) shaking me booty~ O_O
Butterflykiss: hahahah O_O
leaf angel9494: XDD
Keelena ....what....smoke....are we cracking?
willotaku1336: no idea, but I like it OWO
Butterflykiss: the smoke that koba cracks O_O
Keelena XD
leaf angel9494: XDD
LindseyW4633: o-O
Keelena falls off bed LMFAO XD
willotaku1336: linds lives! O.O
Keelena i think linds is confuzzled
willotaku1336: that too O>O
leaf angel9494 does the hetalia dance
Butterflykiss: i think so too O3O
Butterflykiss dances with angel still staring at will O_O
Keelena XD
leaf angel9494: XD
willotaku1336 does same while staring at Kira 0>0
Butterflykiss: i wont lose onii-chan~~~~ mother russia never losses~
Butterflykiss: O_O
Keelena XD
willotaku1336: first time for everything~ O_O
leaf angel9494: someone will blink
Keelena oh where's savi when we need him
Keelena ikr
leaf angel9494: XD
leaf angel9494: unless i tickle them
LindseyW4633: I DO LIVE.
LindseyW4633: I'm just...distracted.
leaf angel9494: ah
Butterflykiss: not today not today~ O_O
willotaku1336: never know~ O_O
Butterflykiss: oh i do know o_O
willotaku1336: oh really?~ 0.o
Keelena yah really
Butterflykiss: ya rly O_O
leaf angel9494: o rly
Keelena Ma-rly :D
leaf angel9494: XD
willotaku1336: Oh Really~ O_O
Keelena XD
Butterflykiss: ya rly O_O
willotaku1336: OH Really~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O_O
Butterflykiss: Ma-rly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O_O
willotaku1336: and Me~ O_O
Butterflykiss: me too O_O
Butterflykiss: what are we talking about? O_O
leaf angel9494: i have no idea
willotaku1336: no idea~ O_O
leaf angel9494: im just being random
Butterflykiss: neither do I O_O
Butterflykiss Alfred: grabs will's nose
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku1336 it comes off :P
willotaku1336: O_O
leaf angel9494: XDD
willotaku1336 Sophia grabs Kira's nose
Keelena how long has this been going on?
leaf angel9494: i dk
leaf angel9494: i got bored
leaf angel9494: so i dozed off
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku1336: about half hour O_O
Butterflykiss Alfred: plays with his nose O.O
Butterflykiss: looks like it O_O
leaf angel9494: wake me when someone has won
Keelena ok
leaf angel9494 sleeps
leaf angel9494: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
willotaku1336 Major Armstrong comes in and sparkles at both of us
willotaku1336: ._.
Butterflykiss: O_O
Butterflykiss: sparkle sparkle~ O_O
willotaku1336: AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! O_O
Butterflykiss: ._.
leaf angel9494: XDD
Keelena i thought you were sleeping XD
Butterflykiss Moka: walks in the front door watching
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku1336: OwO
Keelena Moka from R+V?
Butterflykiss as does Orihime
Butterflykiss: O_O yup
Keelena ok
willotaku1336: won't work, not with angel here O_O
Butterflykiss: damnit O_O
Keelena you hear that angel
leaf angel9494: hmm
Butterflykiss: i'm used to koba O_
Butterflykiss: *O
leaf angel9494: wait so it works when im not here
leaf angel9494: -____-
Butterflykiss: hahhaha i did it~ O_O
Keelena will is dead man
Butterflykiss: no it doesn't i just try that with every guy O_O
willotaku1336: oh please, only works if I get surprised, Angel's hotter than them regardless of whether or not she's here O_O
Keelena nice save big brother
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku1336: well it's true 0.0
Butterflykiss: mmmm e.e'''''9;'
Keelena o-o
leaf angel9494: O.o
Butterflykiss: must not blink! e.e;;;;;;;;;
willotaku1336: O_O
willotaku1336: ._. o_o O_O 0_0 O_O o_o ._.
leaf angel9494: zzzzzz
Butterflykiss: O_O'''''';''''''
Keelena falls asleep next to angel
Butterflykiss: o_o''''
willotaku1336: OWO
willotaku1336 left the room. (Logged out)
Butterflykiss: HAHAHAHAH!
leaf angel9494: owo
Keelena XD
leaf angel9494: he dc/d
Butterflykiss: I WIN!
Butterflykiss: by defalt but i win!
Butterflykiss: i think...
leaf angel9494: XDD
Keelena Savi: Don't give in Kira!! *snaps his fingers and a group of Judges appear to cheer her on*
leaf angel9494: all his clones dc/d
willotaku4386 joined the room.
leaf angel9494: wb
leaf angel9494: and u lost
willotaku4386: I did not blink! O.O
Keelena XD
leaf angel9494: but u dc/d
leaf angel9494: so it counts
Keelena ergo, you lost
Butterflykiss: hahahahahhahahahah
willotaku4386: no it doesn't, I don't know wth happened
Keelena you still dc'd
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku4386: I was making a face and chrome clossed O_O
Butterflykiss: fine lets do this then O_O
willotaku4386: *closed
leaf angel9494 facepalms
Butterflykiss: tell savi ty btw~ O_O
willotaku4386: O_O
Butterflykiss eats burger
Butterflykiss: O_O
Butterflykiss: i wont lose O_O
Keelena what is it with you and burgers?
Butterflykiss: i'm to stubbern O_O
willotaku4386: OnO neither will I
leaf angel9494: maybe shes a burger addict
willotaku4386: same here O>O
Butterflykiss: i'm a junky like Alfred OnO
Keelena XD
willotaku4386: O<O
leaf angel9494: >.<
Keelena XD
willotaku4386: call it a draw Kira? O_O
Butterflykiss: nevah....O_O
Keelena XD
leaf angel9494 facepalms
Keelena Savi: hehe...Angel...FINISH HIM!!!
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku4386: shush savi O3O
Butterflykiss: charlie aint here so he can't finish me O_O
Butterflykiss: so ha
Butterflykiss: O_O
willotaku4386: O_O
Butterflykiss: O_O
Butterflykiss: wa wa wa wa world~ O_O
Butterflykiss: ok my eyes hurt e-e;;;
leaf angel9494: owo
willotaku4386: so does that mean you're gonna blink? O>O
Keelena Savi: Don't you tell me to shush...do it angel...you know you want to...hehehe
Butterflykiss: we'll see e-e'''''
willotaku4386: shush Savi O_O
Butterflykiss: meh eoe
Keelena sis! dont blink!!!
Butterflykiss: i'm trying! eOe'''''
Keelena Savi: You shush
willotaku4386: O___O
leaf angel9494: U BOTH SHUSH
Butterflykiss: e______________________e
leaf angel9494: >>
willotaku4386: .-.
Butterflykiss pokes will like crazy
Butterflykiss: e.e;'';;;;;
willotaku4386 pokes back O___O
Butterflykiss: savi help me! e.e;;;;
leaf angel9494: JUST SOMEONE BLINK
leaf angel9494: OR I WILL POKE U
Keelena i can't breathe! XD
leaf angel9494: KEE IS DYING OF LAUGHTER
leaf angel9494: XDD
Butterflykiss: sorry sis e.e;';
willotaku4386: yeah sorry o-o
Keelena XDDDD
Butterflykiss: *whimpers* =.='''''9;
Butterflykiss: can't blink..
leaf angel9494: XDD
Butterflykiss: tell savi..i'm sorry...
Keelena aw sis
leaf angel9494: aw
willotaku4386: o-o
Butterflykiss changes into a 5 year old girl and blinks T.T
willotaku4386 blinks after she does
Keelena Savi: I don't know how to help...i don't know will's triggers...and Angel...just cause you shout doesn't mean a disembodied Savi is going to listen lol.
willotaku4386: OH MY EYES!
So, this is how bored me and will got after Kira left for bed.
willotaku: now what?
Keelena ....wanna play a game? >:D
willotaku: what game?
Keelena ....
Keelena *:D
Keelena it's called "throw boots at Will" >:D
Keelena throws boots at Will
willotaku it boomerangs back
Keelena does not!
willotaku: does too
Keelena does not!
willotaku: does too
Keelena not
willotaku: too
Keelena not
willotaku: too
Keelena not =p
willotaku: too :P
Keelena O_O
Keelena not
willotaku: OwO too
Keelena O_O
willotaku: OwO
Keelena O_O
willotaku: OwO
Keelena O_O
willotaku: OwO
Savitar: since you fail at boot to the head...i agree with will...too.
Keelena O_O i will never blink
willotaku: OwO neither will I
Keelena O_O
willotaku: OwO
Keelena O_O
willotaku throws a Shirtless Nick clone at Kee
willotaku: OwO
Keelena dodges
Keelena O_O
willotaku: not even a blush
willotaku: OwO
Keelena didn't look O_O
willotaku holds a picture of Nick in front of her
willotaku: OwO
Keelena O_O i have pics of him
willotaku: are they him shirtless? OwO
Keelena yesh O_O
willotaku: OwO how about in his undies?
Keelena no O_O
willotaku shows her said pics
willotaku: OwO
Keelena holds up a pic of Angel in lingerie
Keelena O_O
willotaku: OwO sexy
Keelena O_O
Keelena blink
willotaku: nevah OwO
Savitar scratches his head
Savitar: why do you have those pictures anyway?
Keelena neveh,...man-whore O_O
Keelena for times like these
willotaku: OwO look, it's Saix puppy
Keelena O_O it Demy
willotaku: It's Roxas
willotaku: OwO
Savitar walks up and hands them both a slice of lemon.
Keelena what...smoke...are you cracking O_O
Savitar: do what you must
Savitar left the room. (Logged out)
willotaku slurps the lemon OwO
Keelena also slurps the lemon O_O
willotaku: Lemony~ OwO
Keelena yep~ O_O
willotaku: OMG It's Nick and he's naked! OWO
Keelena Angel's naked with sakura hair and headband! O_O
willotaku: O///O
Keelena O_O
Keelena takoyaki
willotaku: ??? OwO
Keelena japanese deep-fried octopus balls O_O
willotaku noms OwO
Keelena ok that's gross O~O
willotaku: OwO Yummy~
Keelena ew~ O_O
willotaku: OwO
Keelena squirts some lemon in his eyes O_O
willotaku my eyes absorb the lemon and I don
willotaku: 't blink OwO
Keelena that's impossible O_O
willotaku: not for me~
willotaku: OwO
Keelena god-mod O_O
willotaku squirts lemon into your eyes
Keelena dodges O_O
willotaku: goddess-mod OwO
willotaku: and I gtg OwO
Keelena I don't god-mod, i simply dodge O_O
Keelena blink dammit~ O_O
willotaku: OwO no~
Keelena yes~ O_O
willotaku hugs you goodnight OwO
willotaku: love you little sister 0w0
Keelena hugs back then grabs your nose
Keelena O_O love you too
willotaku it comes off
willotaku: OwO
Keelena dammit O_O
willotaku steps into the moonlight and turns into a skeleton OwO
Keelena .....cheater O_O
willotaku: :P
willotaku: Goodnight~ OwO
Keelena night~ O_O
willotaku poofles OwO
willotaku left the room. (Logged out)
and not one of us blinked....
1) Choose one of your own characters.
2) Make them answer the following questions.
3) feel free to add some questions of your own.
Character: Keelena Michaelis
1) What gender are you?
2) What is your age?
None of your business
3) Do you want a hug?
4) Do you have any bad habits?
Heh, always getting into dangerous situations.
5) What's your favourite food?
Teriyaki chicken
6) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
7) Are you a virgin?
That's none of your damn business
8) Have you ever killed anyone?
9) Do you hate anyone?
anyone who harms my family
10) Do you have any secrets?
Yes, but I'm not telling you.
11) What is your favourite season?
12) Who are your friends?
Where to start
13) Do you have a best friend?
14) Do you have any hobbies?
15) What's your favourite drink?
16) When's your birthday?
June 12
17) Are you nice or mean?
It depends
18) What is your weakness?
Aretmis breaking
20) Do they love you back?
21) Do you have any kids?
I have 3
22) Large or small family?
i think my family is large but I'm not sure.
23) Where are your real parents?
My father died during a battle. My mother is...somewhere.
24) Which one(s) do you like the most?
25) Do you have any job(s)?
26) What is it or what are they?
A mother
27) Do you have a favourite thing?
playing with my kids.
28) What do you like the most?
being with my family
29) Are you getting irritated with me?
I don't know...do you want me to be?
30) sorry, I didn't write these questions, deviantart did. Anyhoo, do you have a tattoo or something like that?
31) Do you have any idols?
Not really...
32) Any others?
I said I don't have one
33) If you could have one wish be true, what would you want?
I'd like to keep that to myself
38) What is the dumbest thing existence has made?
I don't know
39) Can you list the things that makes you angry?
heh...you don't even want me to go there.
40) What are your favourite bands?
On/Off, SNSD and a few others
41) What are your favourite video games and shows?
I don't really play video games
42) Do you regret anything?
I don't wanna talk about it...
43) Are you easily scared?
heh, hell no.
44) What's the best experience you've ever had?
Meeting my husband and my friends.
45) What's the worst experience you've ever had?
I'd rather not say...
46) Almost finished! Have you enjoyed these questions?
Too nosy
47) Any closing words?
Yeah, get the hell away from me.