Welcome to Alagaesia: The New Age!

This is a world based off of the series the Inheritance Cycle.
This is a summary of Eragon.
The chapter summaries I think you should read are: Discovery, Awakening, Tea for Two, A Rider's Blade, Revelation at Yazuac, Through a Dragon's eye, Vision of Perfection, and The Glory of Tronjheim.

Brom once said that we don't know how many dragons survived Galbatorix's slaughter of dragons. We also don't know how many dragon eggs are left. There were the three Galbatrix had but what if there were other eggs that were hidden and escaped the slaughter?

You can be with the Empire or the Varden.

In this world you make a character, and they find a dragon egg. Join in the adventure by filling out this form and pming me:

Dragon Rider


1. Stick with the story
2. No Mary-sue or Gary-sues (No perfect people!)
3. No swearing
4. Please keep posting, If you stop posting for more than a month without telling us before hand that you won't be able to post you will receive a notice,and if you continue you'll lose you guest poster status
5. You can only have 1 rider/dragon. You can have 2 other characters but they can't be a rider, and one Werecat
6. Have fun!
7. Follow the rules

Members so far, ranks, and points:

Hatchling (0-49)
Apprentice (50-149)
Dragon Rider (150-249) (get your sword at this stage)
Elder (250-299)
Ebrithil (300-400)
(I'll change it if anyone gets a good way past Ebrithil)

You get points by:
Helping me (Ask me if you want to)
Doing tasks
Getting others to join (Tell me if you do so)
Drawing any of your characters

Amestar(Leader): Elva and Amestar, Vanessa, Rex, Jenoviel
YokoCookieChan(Co-leader): Ari Kunin, Faye Reed and Reath,Fang Tsuo and Seth, Onr Dauthleikr Freohr (Onyx Freih): Apprentice-75
littlepooch(Co-leader): Ray and Rain, Picture of Rain: Apprentice-60
tigerlilly54: Yora Kyouto, Tsuyo Tero: Hatchling-0
XxRaindropsxX: Kia and Ruby: Apprentice-55
MoonsMedly: Aiden and Sasha, Anya, Rue: Hatchling-10
harplayer :Namid and Hesiod: Hatchling-45
Shadowfiend: Azof and Blagos, Garzal,Sunday: Hatchling-40
inufluffy12: Kylina and Crystalia: Hatchling-5
RedStars:Vincent and Eternal Blaze,image of Vicent and Blaze : Hatchling-35
tutcat (Summarizer): Saphire: Hatchling-45
HanakoAnimeaddict: Keiko: Hatchling-30
stinamuffin (Co-leader): Avariella and Leviathan: Hatchling-45
Variance:Taize Gala and Mito: Hatchling-15
Alazne Chan: Kairiena and Gin no yami : Hatchling-20
ashio: Zarine(Zarine's past): Hatchling-25
CDCDCD89: Akkar and Evarínya: Hatchling-40


Tasks are for gaining more points, but are not required.

Writers: Write how and who'd your character be if they came to our time period
Drawers: Draw your character(s) in modern day clothes

Deadline: whenever I get a different idea

Helpful things!

The Story so Far by tutcat (beginning by littlepooch) Thanks so much tutcat!

Our wallpaper and matching border was made by Alazne Chan!! Thank you!

Here is a site for descriptions about species!

Here is a spellbook! (For magic and talking to Elves)

Here is the Dwarven language!

Dwarf Clans!

Elf Houses!

Here is a map of Alagaesia

Just to let you know, the Varden are in the Beor Mountains, not Surda.


"Take Azof," said Lady Vanessa, "to the dungeons for potential harm to the Varden for trading with the Emperor. Also put Onyx in a separate cell."

"What!" exclaimed Azof, one of the guards taking his arms.

The guards took them away, they shut the door behind them.

I looked at the group of spell casters, "Go and surround the cells." the leader of the Varden ordered. They filed out of the room. "Elva," she said.

"Yes my lady," Elva said.

"I need you to find the Werecat Sunday immediately," leader of Varden stated.

"As you wish," Elva said while leaving the room.

Maybe I should visit Azof in his new hooooommmmme.

I was going to attempt to search for Azof and at the same time trying to avoid being detected by guards. After several twists and turns a guard noticed my presence. "Hey!" he exclaimed, "isn't this Sunday?" he asked his friend.
"Yeah," he grunted. They went toward me, then, "Yow!!!!!" They screamed holding their feet. Then I ran and finally I found the jail. Then I decided that pointed-eared Azof might be in a windowless room. I went ever deeper into the gray, lifeless cells. Eventually I found a lot of humans surrounding two cells. I went toward the shadows and padded silently toward Azof's small, barred room cell. I went into a corner and noticed that Azof had his eyes closed.

Azof, chained to the wall, and... still with your stuff?
"Sunday!?! Why are you here!?!" Azof exclaimed.
Is a nice 'Hello' to hard to come by these days?
"'Hello' Sunday. Now, why are you here?!?"
Well... some of the guards found me and tried to catch me.
"How'd you escape?" Azof asked curiously.
Well... I just bit them in the ankle.
"Are they alright?" Azof asked concerned.
Well... I did feel bone on one of them...
"Why'd you have to bite so deep?!?"
Well... I had to tell you something important.
"Which is..."
Sleep. In the morning, you will have a exit out of here, before the trial.
"What!?!?!?!" Azof questioned in surprise.
Then I turned and exited the elf's cell, swishing my tail in amusement.

A traitor revealed

I looked at them all, "Don't prob her." Onyx looked shocked. "Azof!" I called. He came up to me and waited. I walked to the other side of the room and opened the door. Two guards where standing there waiting for orders.

"Take Azof," I said, "to the dungeons for potential harm to the Varden for trading with the Emperor. Also put Onyx in a separate cell."

"What!" exclaimed Azof, one of the guards taking his arms.

The guards took them away, they shut the door behind them.

I looked at the group of spell casters, "Go and surround the cells." I ordered. They filed out of the room. "Elva," I said.

"Yes my lady," she said.

"I need you to find the Werecat Sunday immediately," I said, remembering how close Azof and Sunday are.

"As you wish," she left the room, and Amestar poked her head out of the bag Elva was carrying. I walked out of the room. I looked around, then went to the nearest guard house.

I walked in and said, "I need a message run to the Council of Elders right away!"

"I'll do it, my lady!" said a guard.

"Tell them to bring a court together," I ordered.

"Yes, my lady," he exited the room, so did I.


Azof is now in jail, with Onyx. Elva is looking for Sunday. There will be a court soon.

Amestar-Lady Vanessa

The Story So Far

^^ Um well hi! XD This is the story so far(like the titles says >>') So it tells what has happened in the story so far for any confused or new members ^^ I will up date it when I can! The bolded part is the new! ...

Read the full post »

Notice:Please read the following

Please everyone post!!! We need all the support! Also I want to mention we have 0 Dwarves!!

Sorry for not posting in a while ^^'

Something sharp kept poking my arm so I finally opened my eyes to see Rain looking down at me. He let out a little squeak of excitement and jumped back.

"Don't poke me with that horn of yours, its sharp." I said getting up and rubbing my eye. Something caught my eyes and I looked at my hand, it had a little "e" on it.

"Strange." I said out loud and looked back at Rain. "D-did you grow over night?" I asked astonished. He let out a little pur of delight and bounded up to me.

"Well whatever, come on." I said and headed out the door grabbing my jacket and carrying Rain under it so it hid him.

I walked into town and they were buzzing with excitement. "What's all the fuss about?" I asked someone. "You haven't heard? Well the princes of the Empire was found here."

I blinked in surprise. "Is she with Lady Vanessa?" He nodded. "Right now spell casters are trying to probe into her mind." He informed me. I thanked him and walked away a little troubled. 'What was she doing here?!'

sorry for not posting in a while ^^'