Avariella ;;
I guess I wasn't as good as I thought I would be while sparring with Elva. Even with all my practice in the time i spent in the forest near my small house She still managed to give me quite a few bruises.
As we were sparring my sword suddenly cracked. I had no idea how, this was supposed to be a good sword, maybe I wore it out from all my freelance training.
Elva and I both looked at the sword and she spoke.
"I suggest taking that to Garzal, the blacksmith here," She said to me, giving directions "and..are you considering being an archer or healer?"
I pondered this for a moment. Archers can be farther away from the main fighting, and healers can stay back and wait for the wounded. Either way would be safer then being on my dragon with a sword. But, I wanted to fight, to fly on Leviathan and slash at my enemies. I would just need to train harder and more often.
I shook my head at her question. "No, I want to fight with my sword. I'll just train better." I turn, calling for Leviathan and wave to Elva as Leviathan climbs onto my shoulders and I head to the blacksmith.
After my sword was fixed by Garzal, I headed back to the training area, admiring the work garzal had done to fix my sword. The blacksmith was talented, I admit.
I walked back into the area, where everyone was still sparring.