Totally Dysfunctional


“I wonder what’s wrong with Mols…” I said, seeing her during dinner. She was with one friend at the Gryffindor table and her friend seemed to be avoiding her somehow. I guess I could’ve understood since she had a wicked glower, but still. It’s not like she’s actually that scary.

“You mean that old friend of yours?” My roommate Aiden said. “She seems angry at something.”

“Oh, she’s always like that.” I assured him while taking another bite of my meal. “She’s in a bad mood when she’s not ‘round me ‘r Trisha. Guess it takes a certain person t’ pacify ‘er.”

“I wonder how she can keep that up. It must take a lot of energy.”

“Yeah…” I relinquished my staring at her and turned back to him and decided to change the topic. Kimi’s constant anger at the world isn’t something that is easy to talk about. “So how’s th’ search goin’? Still lookin’ ‘round?”

Aiden knew that I wasn’t willing to talk about her, so I was so happy when he decided to go along with my little ploy and keep me interested in another topic: information gathering.

“You got me. I still haven’t found someone.”

“Aw, c’mon, man! You’re a good-looking, smart, kind guy! How hard izzit for ya t’ find someone!”

All he did was laugh at me and my enthusiasm. “Anluan, you have to understand that there aren’t that many men that fit my standards.”

Right, now would be a good time to mention that half the reason why Aiden talks to me is because we are both outcasts. Me for my hair/personality/lateness/interests and Aiden for his – well – sexual preference. Not many people accept a nerd/goth and a gay guy. So we decided to stick together and ever since I’ve moved to Britain, I’ve felt at home since he’s around. I’m not too worried about him – y’know – because he’s already laid it out on the table that he isn’t built mentally like other guys and is only looking for true love. Most people would be weirded out, but for some reason I’ve stuck by his side and have made it my personal vendetta to find his special someone. It might be because the only one for me is too far away and is someone I can never have, so helping him find someone eases my soul a bit.

If only helping others could get me closer to her…


“I hate everything.” She cursed under her breath, keeping up her glare out the window of the library. I found out I had free period with her, so I decided that I should keep tabs on her by keeping her company in the library.

“Everythin’?” I said, looking up from my PDA.

“Regarding a certain someone.”

“Ah.” I had just put in some more information about Trisha when it hit me: “Wait, you’re still mad at ‘im?! It’s been weeks since th’ match!”

“And it was weeks before that when my fury started.”

“Ya sure know how t’ hold a grudge.”

“I’m a woman.”


We sat in silence for a while; me still changing some data and her – doing whatever she was doing. That was, until she suddenly appeared two inches from my face with a really scary look on her face.

“Fork over whatever game system you have on you.” Her voice was low and very threatening. I almost fell out of my chair from a heart attack and almost agreed to give her her GameBoy when I remembered why she was in such a bad mood.

“No. No, no, no, no, no, no! I won’t!” Calmly, I pushed her away and put my hands on her shoulders. “I know you’re havin’ withdrawal, but ya need t’ know that ya can deal without it for a while.”

She had no comment, but only smiled sweetly and got back in my face. “Give me. My GameBoy. NOW.”



“No!” I said with certain finality. There were times when I had to put her on probation for her game systems when she got too addicted to them. This was one of those times. She needed to learn that you can’t escape everything through video games and she had to deal with reality. I checked my pocket for the system when I realized that my pocket was lacking a certain gray entertainment system. “Kimi! Ya theif!”

“You’re the one who let their guard down.” She was concentrating on her game – Pokemon Red – and wasn’t looking at me at all.

“That’s it.” I stole back the system and shut it off in her face. “You’re not gettin’ this back.”

Her soul died temporarily and I heard a small gasp, like she I took her life with the system and she looked at me with her equivalent of a puppy-dog begging-face that she knew would make me have pity on her.

“But if ya stay quiet ‘n last a while, maybe I’ll give it back to ya-”

“Give it to me!” Out of nowhere, she ran over to me, reaching for her beloved system and before either of us could register what happened, we landed on the wooden floor with a loud thud. She was on top of me, arm outstretched and reaching for the GameBoy. “Damn you and your long arms!”

Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit. I swore obscenely in my head. I knew this wasn’t exactly the best position to be in, but to be quite honest, I couldn’t move at all. My heart was pounding and I could feel my face turning red. To make it worse, Kimi didn’t seem like she was getting off of me anytime soon. My mental line of connected swears was becoming longer the more she stayed where she was. I could almost feel myself losing my self-control. I had always known that she never liked me the way I liked her; she only had eyes for the ones that would hurt her. All of my bottled-up emotions would slowly leak out whenever she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes or even call my name with her sweet voice. I wanted to lock her up and keep her safe, but heaven knows that she would find some way to break out.

“Luan? You okay? You didn’t fall too hard, did you?” Kimi tilted her head and brought me back to the present.

“Wha- Yeah. I’m totally fine.” I shook my head and she got off of me while I sat up. “Though I think I hit my head kinda hard.”

“Really?” Completely dense to the situation, she ran her fingers through my hair, searching for a bump and jumpstarting my heart again. “I don’t feel anything.”

With that final statement, every bit of control I had flew out the window. I pulled her close and firmly planted my lips on hers. How long I had waited to do that, I don’t know. All I know is that at that moment, the world was ours. No one else lived in it. The only thing that I could feel was her cold lips slowly being melted by my own and her heart pounding in time with mine. I dared to wrap my arm around her and keep her close, while cupping her chin with my free hand. She had always been my entire being and now was the one chance I had at proving to her how I felt.

My only hope was that she wouldn’t hate me later for it.