Guess Who's Back~~~~!

That's right, it's me! 8D I finally, FINALLY got my new laptop today (after having to wait an extra four days because it was on hold) and I can get back to posting! XDD Don't worry, I've been keeping tabs on all you guys from my iTouch, but now I can communicate via posts again! 8D If I feel like it, I may upload some art I've done... Maybe. But I'm definitly (spelling?) posting my stories and boy do I have a CRAPTON of those! And what's really great is that I get this just in time for Hetalia Day Monday!! You know what? In honor of that day, I'm going to SPAM THE HELL OUT OF YOUR INBOXES with posts! XD

Once again, thank you to all of you who have been waiting paitently (spelling?) for me to return... actually, I don't have that many fans. XD So forget I said anything.

But one last note:


Oh, and I'm naming my laptop Tom, in honor of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 2 Episode 2. XD I'm a Pegasistah, sue me.

(I have a feeling one of these days when I say that, I really will get sued. XD)
