A Time to Give Thanks

Hope you're enjoying today! 8D So, in honor of the tradition, there are several people I'd like to give thanks to.


To my brother, Timmy: Yeah, you're a pain in the arse, but you're still my Minecraft-obsessed brother who may make me shake my head, but your childish randomness and ability to completely screw up internet memes make me laugh. I'll never forget all the times we've smiled together and sang together in the car coming home from school.

To my cousin, Sarah: I miss you so much! We need to be closer! And thank you so much for being there for me, no matter what. We'll always have each other, even if the world turns on us. And we'll always have the dances we've learned together to remind us how much fun we've had over the years.

To my "cousin/sister", Hayley: My dearest resident Pokemon master, you have surprised me on several occasions with your amazing knowledge of a certain pokemon called a Garydos. And don't forget, OMG IT MOVED! Ahem, getting back to what I was saying, thank you so much for being one of the very few people who I can drag around and act really mentally challenged around yet I hang out with you so much your parents say I can move in anytime I feel like it.

To my "aunt", Thalia: I know I only seem to run to you when I'm in trouble, but I just want to let you know that you are the one person who has stood by my side the longest. You've seen every side of me - even sides I don't want others to see - and you still accept me. You know my likes, dislikes, my problems and my joys like the back of your hand. Thank you so much for being there for me, through it all.

To my "brother", Ryan: You also need to live closer! I miss you, Ototo-bozu~! We need to talk about anime again! Don't forget, you're the second person who's seen every side of me. We were so close, and if you ever need to know how much you meant to me, just remember “To My California King” on Facebook.

To my boyfriend, Logan: I’ll share a little secret with you; you are the first boy to ever pay attention to me like you do. You always call me beautiful and amazing and you have no idea how grateful I am for that. Before I met you, I had just about given up on love, seeing as how it had never worked out for me, all the years of being rejected by being ignored just piled up. I honestly thought that I would never get over the most recent rejection. But thanks to you, I realized that even for someone like me, there is a little bit of hope. So you might have to deal with me being shy and stubborn (I have this dismissive-type of attitude sometimes) but the truth is, you really do mean a lot to me, even if I’m too prideful to show it.

To my “America”, Corynne: Yeah, I know that this maybe the first time that you have heard that nickname, but that’s who you are in my phone and it fit. *laughs* So anyways, thanks so much for being my anime buddy and my crazy yet ambitious co-author/editor. I know we may never reach a definite compromise on our villain’s name (GOD DARN IT HIS NAME ISN’T GOING TO BE BLANK!) but you know what, we could just make it work. Eventually. Once we both stop being stubborn idiots. *laughs again* But thanks, you were the one that got me writing, believe it or not, and I thank you for that.

To everyone else I haven’t mentioned: Don’t think I have abandoned you all, you have still played an important part in my life. For example, Briana (my “France”), Morgan (my clone), Katie (my "Italy"), Bridgette (my “uncle”), Justin (“my Aniki”), and anyone else. You all have been actors in my life’s story, and you all have impacted me. Don’t think that just because you don’t get your own special paragraph that you don’t mean that much to me. I care about you all equally. It just means that I have a harder time explaining in words how much you mean to me. And I thank you all for being there and supporting me when I needed it.
