Hey everyone! My name is Chiharu Kazane and as you've probably suspected by now, it's not my real name.
Anyway, just so you know this is actually my first time joining one of these chat websites, so I'm not really sure what to expect, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of things pretty quickly.
I began watching anime and reading manga November 2011 and here's a list of anime/manga I've watched/read:
Bleach - Anime
Inuyasha - Anime
Deathnote - Anime
Blue Exorcist - Anime and Manga
Black Butler - Manga
Naruto - Anime and Manga
Full Moon wo Sagashite - Manga
Ouran High School Host Club - Manga
One Piece - Manga and Anime
I take soooo long to watch anime, my friends Hanako started at basically the same time and she has watched and read for anime and manga than me.
So go on and read my posts, I think it's turning out to be more like a blog...
But, don't worry! There is still anime related stuff in there!

This drawing of Chiharu was drawn by my awesome friend Yoruhana!
Thanks a million Yoru-chan!
So since I can post something, I might as well. So as you may know, my dad had cancelled the internet for a while last month. So while I had no internet, suddenly I had a lot less things to do. So because I had some extra time(not that much actually) and since I was really into Naruto then(i actually still am) I decided to read it on my iPod touch. I had already downloaded an app that let me read manga on it and i could read the chapters I downloaded without the internet. Unfortunately, I had only downloaded some chapters so I only read those ones. When I finished them, I read them again. I read it over and over until I could download more when I went to the library or somewhere else that had free wi-fi. I probably read half of the Naruto series, like, almost fifty times or something! It's really amazing.
People do the wierdest things when they don't have the internet, hmmm?
Oh this is just a little heads up, if you recall(you probably don't remember) i mentioned that my friends Hanako was moving away well i don't think i mentioned that she moved away already. She moved away the weekend after Spring Break, about the end of March. I just wanted to let you all know, though you probably don't remember anyway.
Yes, I finally post on my world! And no, I didn't get my computer fixed yet, so no, I'm still not back. I'm just at school and i think it should be time i post on my world. So this is what has been happening. So as you all probably know, my dad cut off the internet for a while. Well, now i have it back, but my computer decided to screw up on me and now i can't go on theO :( So yeah, now i only go on theO at school, and i probably won't be able to go on that many times anyway. So anyway yeah, if you're wondering why I haven't posted for a really long time, it's cuz my computer is screwed up. I do hope i can get it fixed soon!
I'm back on the Otaku, sort of, at least. I'm actually on at school right now(heh heh) and i haven't been on for such a long time, cuz my computer decided to screw up on me and wont allow me on the Otaku. So basically I'll try to fix my computer so i can go on, but i'll probably only be able to go on a few times a month. I won't look at all you updates, but i'll comment on the ones that seem interesting! So just a heads up on what's gonna happen from now on. Posting on my world will slow down though, but it will probably speed up when i get my computer fixed, so see y'all sometime in a week!
I got Bad News.
My dad cancelled my internet and now I can only go on the O a few days a week when I go to the library to use the internet, so basically, i won't be on very often... :(