No Internet Boredom

So since I can post something, I might as well. So as you may know, my dad had cancelled the internet for a while last month. So while I had no internet, suddenly I had a lot less things to do. So because I had some extra time(not that much actually) and since I was really into Naruto then(i actually still am) I decided to read it on my iPod touch. I had already downloaded an app that let me read manga on it and i could read the chapters I downloaded without the internet. Unfortunately, I had only downloaded some chapters so I only read those ones. When I finished them, I read them again. I read it over and over until I could download more when I went to the library or somewhere else that had free wi-fi. I probably read half of the Naruto series, like, almost fifty times or something! It's really amazing.
People do the wierdest things when they don't have the internet, hmmm?
