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Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph

This is a post about a movie.

Today's afternoon couch-potato session mostly involved FX, since Sunday is usually Non-Sucky Movie Day for them. That is, after I woke up. We got back, Dad cut the race on (looked like Sears Point), and he, Mom and I all passed out in the living...

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Protip for Everyone:

If you want to buy tickets to a concert, try looking at the venue website (or calling the venue ticket office) first for an initial price check so you know when someone else is trying to rip you off. Second-party tickets could get you good...

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Nani ka?? Baka da ne!

I'm not entirely certain what to do with this friend of mine who called me a Jawa for saying "sou da na".

On the one hand it's sorta racist, but on the same hand it's a really funny racist. > >;;

Heh . . . > >

Waking up at 8:30 is great until you realise you have no idea what to do.


No, seriously. We have all the old standards, plus Labyrinth and Bazaar and Mouse Trap (I think it works) and Rummikub and Othello and . . . .

Doofenshmirtz Evil is carpeted~~