image coming soon

Please hold while the introduction is under construction. Previous iterations of bland pretentiousness are being remodeled or removed.

Thank you for your patience!

Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph

The Many Faces Of....

Allamorph: o o
Shishou: O O

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Allamorph: o o
SunfallE: ☼_☼

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Allamorph: o o
Kei: ._.

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Allamorph: o o
Kimmeh: *cling*

A Sore Body Means You Finally Got Off Your Ass And Did Something

Also makes you feel like one hell of an old man. *creaks* (This post also goes by the title WTFOMG A LIFE POST.) Been really active the past couple of days. Got to toss a Frisbee around yesterday afternoon/evening with two ...

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I should be getting Frequent Poster Rewards.

Unlike the rest of you who make it your life goal to update at least four times a week. 'Cause I'm special. Or at least more specialer. There are comparatives in there somewhere. Boop doop. Speaking of things I can't seem to push ...

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I Have Zero Motivation

I have a test tomorrow (which I shall speed-review for tomorrow morning since I have many hours to do so), I have an ugly homework set due Wednesday for another class and that same class has a test over the previous two homework sets Friday, and I...

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