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Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph

New Rule.

I dream really weird crap between nine and eleven in the morning.

Also, father's facebook status:

Just finished the desert for 'Jazz Night Out'. It is a 12-layer strawberry cake with dark chocolate icing, with shaved semi-sweet chocolate on top. Should be very tasty. Second 12-layer cake made this week. Boy, am I tired!!


Sucker For Naps

I had a good reason for one today, though. Eight-a.m. Autocad lab means I get up, eat breakfast, and start off the day staring at a computer screen for a solid hour. Ah the joys of being an engineering major. 'Course, I register for next ...

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I just realised that this is more likely what I'm probably going to look like when I get my hair to the length I want it. ...

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I refuse to believe this. No matter how much I want to.

Movies. First, I refuse to believe this because I only found out about it today, and today being today.... Second, though, ...

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Lyrical Fun

Some of the most interesting lyrics I've ever heard. - - - - Bude In one small pane of my window in ...

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