image coming soon

Please hold while the introduction is under construction. Previous iterations of bland pretentiousness are being remodeled or removed.

Thank you for your patience!

Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph


Our dear and much-beloved MaiMaiChan, who has been noticably absent from site activity for quite some time, is currently going through a bit of a rough time. That's about all I feel comfortable revealing without her explicit permission, but I feel it is enough at the moment.

Drop by her area and give her some love, guys. I have a feeling she could use it.

Not ResNet today.

The internet has been down all day. But no, it wasn't ResNet's fault this time. And to be fair, it would be more accurate to say that the internet for the entire area has been down all day. So still a problem, but a much bigger one than it normally is.

According to the memo I received in my email (which was still active because the campus network still ran), a trunk cable carrying the line that provided internet to our region was cut this morning.

Sooooo yeah. That was a problem that got attention. And for being a trunk cable repair (from what I understand about them), I am impressed that the issue was fixed this quickly. I imagine that someone was getting their butt ridden on pain of getting it handed to them, too.

And it's November now. Apparently advisement is this week.


Niagara Falls.

Possibly the most passionate acting in this man's career, and all for the sake of a few laughs.

Joinin' In.

I know, right? I must be feverish. =P

Welcome to My Urban Dictionary!

Alla: an extremely hot girl that all the guys go crazy over. Holla for alla!

Alla is the girl that all the guys wanna get with. When she walks by, she gets attention!

That's funny enough I'mma stop there. =D

Pet Peeve

You're having a get-together with friends, the topic darts around like a squirrel preparing for winter, and all of a sudden the discussion shifts to something slightly uncomfortable for a few of those present—a polarising topic, or an honest...

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