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Discord | Allamorph #4278
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Author's Notes

Nicholas Flaherty was a character created for a message-board role-play game titled Hunter: The Reckoning, which was in turn based on a game called Hunter, for the Playstation 2. I was unaware of this at the time I signed up, and remaine...

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Sketch is finished. Ten pages, front and back, and half of the front of the eleventh. (Quarter of a page, technically.) Wrote about three and a half of it today, from three-thirty to six, when I took a break to converse with my mother about sel...

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Whee. And stuff.

My sister fired up Animal Crossing (gamecube) yesterday for the first time in a year, managed her finances, did some renovating, visited a squirrel, and promptly had all her money stolen because apparently you don't give deer yellow bananas. ...

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Quit it.

I'm gonna be straight. I don't give a flying flip what some personality test says about you. It's a waste of my time; I already know who you are because I freaking talk to you and I don't need some cheap ripoff of the Meyers-Jung test to tell me...

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I are confuse.

I got an email from a college contact of mine today that I did not know what to do with. I should probably note before continuing that this person tends to send out a lot of emails with only a news item link and a semi-related subject line, and i...

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