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Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph

So you think you're a Romeo, playin' a part in a picture show.

Take the long way home. So you remember me saying I had a sketch that was interrupting my thought flow? Yeah. Sixth page, top of the back side. Not finished. Why can't these...

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Junk email hilarity. Dear Friend, We might be strangers to ourselves now but as time goes on incase you are willing to assist me in making this proposal a reality,we will now probably meet in person. We want to t...

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I have a Notebook.

Plasma swords and bubble machines.

Abusus non tollit usum.

Cold day for Summer. Hunh.

A Ricochet Biscuit is the kind of a biscuit that has to BOUNCE BACK into yo' mouth.

If it doesn't bounce back.... I am going out of town tomorrow to get my notebook. Not having it is starting to tick me off. I am literally literarally (new word?) paralysed. I keep thinking "well, I could start on . . . no, no I can't. ...

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I asked him if he spoke my language.

He just smiled and made me a Vegemite sandwich. So now both sketches I've been working on are on hold. Why? Well, I took my bag with me to the recording session yesterday in the hopes of writing sommat when we had some down time. I'm hom...

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