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Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph

You know what my favorite April Fools jokes and pranks are?

The short ones. Speaking of, I found an erasable pencil today. Ticonderoga to boot. I was perplexed. Also, reason #1 my writings aren't happening quickly: I'm hanging out with friends upwards of six hours a day right now. I've not...

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Got a swing dance gig tonight at seven. I think my group plays first, which is good, since I have a Chem quiz to take this evening. (Also because I spent all yesterday playing Mass Effect on my friend's system and then slept until about one-thir...

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So I ended up not turning on the computer at all yesterday. It was pretty awesome. For the most part. Music History paper took a bit longer than I anticipated. Apparently analysing music after about 1890 gets a bit tricky, so I was...

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The Dogwoods are blooming.

And I'm on a library computer because that problem with our dorm gateways hasn't been totally fixed yet. I had internet access at two. It vanished without warning at three. So I can't do prep research from my room. But the dogwoods are still p...

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So break is over for me. And I did NOTHING during it. =D Well. Except get a haircut. And that means I lost three pounds. (I have thick hair.) It was a kind of miserable week, really. Rain and gloomy skies from Tuesday until Sun...

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