image coming soon

Please hold while the introduction is under construction. Previous iterations of bland pretentiousness are being remodeled or removed.

Thank you for your patience!

Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph

This just occurred to me....

The purpose of medicine is to help us overcome disease and frailty, right? So why do we have so many medications now that actually cause unpleasant things to happen to us in the process of overcoming one minor unpleasantness?

Incidentally, the phrase "...if you experience an erection that persists for longer than for hours or experience loss of vision...," always translates to me as "...if you get so horny you can't see straight...," which is a rather unfortunate disclaimer to have to say.

Anime Plot - Slots

Wow. You guys.

You seriously need to check this out.

My favorite so far?

"Ne'er-do-well sumo wrestlers order a nuclear attack on effeminate bards, despite being really stupid."




Excuse me? "Vay-Kay"?

What are we, an entire country of six year olds?

My gosh, people.


I may be making a few serious posts here soon. Dunno. I also have to get away from friends (heh, irony) so I can write again. Anyway. Been reading several manga scans online recently. Checked into more, but if I didn't like the wa...

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Totally ripping off my dad.

...who is awesome enough that I have to steal his lines.

Happy Valentine's Day to all of the ladies in my list of friends. Hope you have a great one!!

Especially Sam. Because I actually don't try and drive you to distraction all the time. Only when you're kind of frothy already. (^_^)