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Discord | Allamorph #4278
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Working on a paper on Franz Schubert's life and an analysis of one of his lieder. Hope to have it done before three this morning. Don't expect to see me around.

Worship this morning was absolutely kickin'. Started rehearsal at eight stone cold with our opener, which was basically a total chop-buster. ("Everlasting God") Second lick in and the lead trumpet is already screaming. I had lead 'bone, so I'm following him on most everything. Man, I love charts where I can sit with a bite to my sound the whole time.

Soundboard guy passed me after the second service and told me he kept turning the brass up in the mix because our parts were so tight. With the way John, Curtis and I were ripping some of those licks, I wonder that he needed to.

I'm missing four Super Bowl party invitations for this paper. Frick.


Had a really strange dream this morning.

Beginning details are faint, which means I must have been returning to consciousness after the scene had already started. I was at a large dinner party—a formal affair, gowns and suits and tuxedos if you're insane—which unfortunately means I was wearing a tux. > > Don't know much of what the reason for it was, or who all was there. There was someone on a stage in the ballroom performing, but I didn't see who.

I remember I was standing in the doorway to an alcove at the back of the ballroom, listening to the music. The alcove itself was empty (because I couldn't feel anyone behind me, and I'm pretty good with sensing people in these environments), but there was a girl to my right, seated in a chair against the wall. I remember that the alcove was built a bit higher off the ground than the ballroom; there were two carpeted steps leadind down into the ballroom, and I was leaning on a velveted counter/divider/whatever you call it, not thinking about too terribly much. For once.

The music was interesting. Wasn't anything pop-related, for which I remember feeling very glad. It was, surprisingly, something more like what Globus does, and that probably explains why I was standing and listening instead of wandering around and haunting the food bar. Which I am known to do. I like strawberries. Hush.

(I know, I know, inundating you with details. I can't help it I notice these things.)

The piece of music at the time was something very powerful and tense, a very driving neo-classical selection. While I was standing and observing, it rose in intensity, driving forward, and at the climax of the section they dropped to almost silence with a bass-drum hit for emphasis. And . . . .

. . . the hit did something to me. I felt the bass drum strike shoot straight through me. Every sound in the room was gone, I couldn't sense people any more, I couldn't sense anything, I couldn't breathe. A wave of vertigo hit me, and I had no idea where I was in relation to anything around me. I must have pitched down the stairs, because I felt my hand brush the railing and latched onto it, pulling myself to it. Except I pulled too hard and crashed into it. When my senses came back, I was leaning over the velvet railing and gasping for air, and anyone in the near vicinity who'd seen me was staring at me. The girl I'd seen earlier asked if I was okay. I think I said "Peachy," although it might have been "Koo-koo-katchoo," or "How doth the little crocodile...,"

She was helping me find a seat when I woke up.

I think she was pretty. I can't remember.


Found a great li'l cat-comic, based during Prohibition. Artist and writer (or if they're the same person) are both very talented, and can pull off a great punch line without being stupid. Give 'em a look. Plus now I wanna practice my Bolshevik accent. =P

Love this one.

Also, I really don't like being a jerk. Honestly. I am a first-class jerk when I put my mind to it, but I don't like doing it. Brings my mood right down. Then again, if you have a history of being a snot and backmouthing people, I'm not going to have much sympathy for you if I offend you. Sorry.

Anyway, I've been thinking about the sketch I put up. I want to do some more work with the species like that, and I think what I did is a good way to keep at it. Question is, should I just go with random scenes and random characters, or would people like to see something more from this timeline? The way I've set it up it wouldn't have to have any effect on my existing major motivators, though I could potentially tie it in to a historical event. But I've grown rather attached to Ami (the cat; heard her name just this afternoon) and Drannet since Sunday.

Who knows? Maybe I could run a little series of things with that group of people and not have to worry about anything majorly dramatic. Just, you know, write about life.

Man, am I talking myself into this?

So I got curious,

and wandered over to the ole' quiz section.

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Y'all people crazy or somethin'.


*wham* – Finished voting on Mykul's prose contest over at OB. Really only voted three times, since three of the six matches were forfeited by non-entr...

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