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A Funny Thing Happened Today In DEP.

Specifically, we talked about Basic. And so, given that things are things and stuff is whatsit—but not vice versa—I figured I'd put down a few of the details that stuck with me during the meeting. A) ...

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Right, so.

Edit: So it seems a couple of you (but only a couple) are advocates for the Gen2 stuff. That's cool, I can respect that ... but aside from "I really liked this installment", I still haven't got a whole mess of a reason to change...

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Hoo, boy.

Back from the vet. Physically Oliver is pretty okay, considering. It's obvious Jack had Oliver in his mouth, because I found a missing patch of fur and the skin below had tooth-mark patterns, but the only damage he caused was a small pocke...

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=O ; ^ ^

This random post is made in appreciation for all of you who put up with me. I don't care what Adam says about you; you're all great people.

Edit: I'm being a jerk in the comments, but I'm always a jerk; that's what I do. The sincerity of the preceding statements still holds.


Is there any particular reason all of us Goody Two-Shoes—especially those of us in positions of authority/respect—feel compelled to bandwagon disapproving comments as soon as a major moderation decision is brought to light? Beyond tha...

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