image coming soon

Please hold while the introduction is under construction. Previous iterations of bland pretentiousness are being remodeled or removed.

Thank you for your patience!

Discord | Allamorph #4278
Skype | Allamorph


Oh my dear Lord Jesus Christ, I don't want to come to this site anymore until this K-On backdrop goes away.

I feel those which identify me as a man shrinking back into their pre-adult holding chambers.

Memo to Self

Picking up some info on jogging/breathing before going in for job training today. Putting it here so I can look at it later. Continue breathing deep and low in the lungs, just like for playing trombone. Try a few m...

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All About Oliver ... Mostly

But First! About the middle of July last year there was a little random-fact thing that went 'round the site, and in which I mentioned that for a short scene I'd "...used for inspiration a tan-and-crimson iris that had bloomed outside my wi...

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I’ve been meaning to reply to comments and questions for a good while now. Why has it taken so long? Partly because I’ve been doing things around the house, partly because my first attempt ended in disaster when a family memb...

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We must ... penetrate the? ... oh Lord.


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