I are confuse.

I got an email from a college contact of mine today that I did not know what to do with. I should probably note before continuing that this person tends to send out a lot of emails with only a news item link and a semi-related subject line, and is a self-declared Crunchy Con (which means an agrarian conservative, and not an attender of conventions for popcorn). I do find it amusing that he has twice sworn to completely abandon the internet and most modern technology and yet still sends out these messages, indicating he's at least been browsing.

But anyway.

One of the messages today contained a link to this article, with the subject line "Super Tolerant Liberals Take Over The Planet".

...I'm missing something, here. I must be missing something here.

I mean, this is the same guy who taught me what the original definition of "liberal" was, and what it used to mean. And yet....
