Whee. And stuff.

My sister fired up Animal Crossing (gamecube) yesterday for the first time in a year, managed her finances, did some renovating, visited a squirrel, and promptly had all her money stolen because apparently you don't give deer yellow bananas.

She lost 12,000 bells.

My father and I were entertained.

What a fracking weird currency.

In other news, I woke up late today, farted around, and bought myself a new stick of RAM. Except now I need to find a way to put in more RAM bays so I can keep the old stick I replaced; instead of doubling my capacity to 2 GB, I only netted 1.5 (since I had to take out one of the half-gig sticks). Anyone know of anything I can install that'll do that for me, and possibly get me more bays on top of the one I would like? Or would I end up just having to build my own and stuff.

Kei introduced me to a wonderful web comic the other day, and I about died this morning when I was reading it. Name is Looking For Group, and it is very very well done all around. The bottom of this page is what had me dying.

Speaking of dying—and hey, double entendre—I watched Ep 1 of Excel Saga today.

Holy freaking crap. That was awesome.

I mean, like . . . what the heck.

Here, it'd be better if I just showed you.

A, B, C, D. I failed on the pasting of this one, but it was supposed to read "Wanna just dump her? At a convenience store, or something?" And I really want this banner for everyday life. I could just slap it in the air and all would be fixed. And no one would know why giant kanji suddenly bashed them in the face.

Apart from that . . . nothing except boring personal life stuff that I said I wasn't going to ever talk about. Hooray!

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